This Component Speaker Wiring Diagram will help you to wire a 2-channel stereo system in your car. This diagram includes the colors and locations of the wires.
How to choose the right gauge, length, and type
Don't make a mistake that'll cost you sound quality or worse. In my helpful guide learn how to wire car audio speakers to speaker crossovers the correct way.
Installing a subwoofer in your car is something you can do yourself! Here's a detailed step-by-step guide to help you do it yourself and save money, too.
Want to improve the sound quality of your car audio system? Learn how to set your crossover frequencies and more for optimal performance.
So you want to know how to connect a subwoofer that uses a speaker wire to a receiver that has a jack? If you want to upgrade your home theatre to say a 4k capable system, you may have a problem with the subwoofer/receiver connection. This is because many modern receivers don’t have connections for
Feeling tricky about how to install car audio wire diagram, color, type? Don't worry. Read this guide to make it as easy as pie!
Learn how to choose the right car speakers with our car speaker buying guide. Understand types, power, build quality and many more.
We’re going to cover all the factors that you need to take into consideration before buying a car audio system and how to choose the best for your needs.