Image gallery for: 💥scapular pain💥 ⁉️ do you struggle with pain near your shoulder blade scapula or rhomboid muscle ⁉️ do you feel like there s a knot that you can never get rid of 👍🏼 this post should help you out 😖 i can t tell you the amount of people that i ve worked with who feel that they can never get rid of this nagging pain no matter how much they try to release it through self massage foam rolling trigger point release techniques etc ❌ however the majority of the time these strategies come up short because the problem wasn t really in the muscle to begin with 🤔 many times the problem is actually due to an irritated or sensitive spine usually near the base of the neck cervical spine and upper back thoracic spine that is sensitive to repetitive movements or sustained postures in every day life ⚡ these areas can actually refer pain down into the shoulder blade region even though the area of actual irritation is higher up ✅ to combat this it can be helpful to shift your focus of exercise to getting these areas of the spine to move as well as strengthening moving the shoulder blades 🎥 this post shows just a few examples that can help you on your way to better managing and improving your pain tightness 1️⃣ half kneeling band thoracic rotation 2️⃣ wall roll serratus uppercut 3️⃣ prone 1 arm t 4️⃣ prone 1 arm y 💥 in addition to the exercises listed above simply changing modifying your posture positioning more frequently throughout the day can go a long way as well 💯 your body especially your spine craves movement so you re not doing it any favors by slaving over your computer screen for hours at a time in the same position day in and day out 🚨 as i always remind you guys the exercises suggestions in this post may not be the perfect fit for you individually what you may need to work on may vary to some degree 📱 so if you need a more individualized plan to help you out fill out the 🔗 link at the top of my page @dr caleb burgess to apply to work with me 1 on 1 online ⁉️ questions comments send me a message or leave a comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ scapularpain rhomboidpain rhomboid rhomboids thoracicspine

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