Bible pictures covering the story of Elijah, perfect resources for teaching the bible story to both adults and children / Sunday Schools
The story of Elijah fed by ravens in 1 kings 17 can teach us some amazing life lessons on the provision of God. Let's dive and learn...
Discover the inspiring story of Elijah in the Bible, from his fearless stand against idolatry to his awe-inspiring miracles. A testament to extraordinary faith!
Bible drawings by Otto Semler and others, many based on the engravings by Carolsfeld, all in the public domain.
The image shows the prophet Elijah being taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elijah is depicted in a chariot of fire, drawn by fiery horses, ascending into the sky. His cloak, or mantle, is seen falling to the ground below, where Elisha stands, reaching out to catch it. The background includes dramatic clouds and a bright, heavenly light.
Elijah was a faithful prophet of God. He spoke to kings and proved the power of God to the people. There are so many interesting things to study about Elijah! The following posters, worksheets and more are in the lesson and application pack. This is a Match-It Game. It can be made into a file folder game if you prefer. The people would be glued to the inside right side of the file folder and glue the Elijah poster on the front cover. The Event Cards can be saved in a plastic baggie or envelope. Students can work on this by themselves, as teams, or this can be used as a class review. The teacher can hold up the cards and discuss who it belongs to and why and the students can place it on the correct person. The people can be cut out also if you prefer and the title and instructions on the people paper can be glued to the front of the storage envelope. The event cards are divided by each person and you might want to make an extra set or write a list for reference. Or, the corresponding name can be written on the back so they can be self checking. This is an Elijah's Life Sequencing Timeline. There is a completed one (right) for a teacher's visual, if you are keeping a notebook and just want it as a chart, or you do not like the cut and glue. If the students only put glue above the dotted line, they will have a lift-the-flap with the information under each photo. Click here for lesson, posters, timeline and Match-It Game application pack. Click here to see this song. Scripture references 1 Kings 16:33 King Ahab made God angry 1 Kings 17:6 fed by ravens 1 Kings 17:19 he was staying in the widow’s upper room 1 Kings 18:21 you can’t follow God and an idol. pick one. 1 Kings 18:8 he didn’t eat for 40 days/nights on the way to Mount Horeb 1 Kings 18:19 Elijah finds Elisha 1 Kings 21:18 God told Elijah to speak to King Ahab about Naboth 2 Kings 1:2 King Ahaziah fell through the lattice 2 Kings 1:8 Elijah was hairy and wore a leather belt 2 Kings 2:11 Elijah taken to heaven in a whirlwind James 5:17 Elijah prayed and it didn’t rain for 3 years & 6 months Transfiguration: Matthew 17:3, Mark 9:4, Luke 9:30 Click here to download the updated visuals. Visuals for 1 Kings 17. Click here to download the pictures to color. (These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.) Visuals for Elijah and the widow (and son) in 1 Kings 17. Click here to download the updated visuals. Click here to download the pictures to color. Click here to download the visuals. Elijah, King Ahab & Naboth's Vineyard Click here to download the pictures to color. (These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.) Click here to download the visuals. Not all are shown. 2 Kings 2 Click here to download the pictures to color. (These are the same as the visuals but are black & white.) Click here to download the updated visuals. 1 Kings 18 Click here to download the pictures to color.
This is lesson nine in a 13-week series that I used in my class. I wanted one quarter to introduce the Old Testament with a basic timeline of the people and events. The students can learn what happened in the Old Testament and how those events lead to Jesus. These lessons are a combination of the Life Overview Series and other lessons. I will show you what I used to blend several posts into 13 lessons. You can change any to fit your needs. This lesson teaches about the Prophets. The lesson continues to explain the Big Picture. I discussed the prophets’ divisions and keyed in on Elijah and Elisha with their basic highlights. Keep in mind these lessons are slightly longer with very different application reviews. The visuals for this series have had a major update. These are some of the new Anchor Charts that are in the application pack. Some have been updated and are not exactly as shown. This Match-It application is easy but fun to use as a discussion review. The left is the answer base and on the right are the event cards. Print one as an answer sheet. The cards can be cut out and stored in a sandwich bag or envelope. Students will lay the event card on the correct person. Click here to download the lesson, Anchor Charts and application. I also used the first puzzle for added review. They are in the Life Overview pack found here. I also used this Bible Timeline File Folder Game. I made the pictures into stickers (which they love!) and the students added to it each week. Even though we studied Jesus and Acts after this quarter, rather than removing any pictures, I printed those pictures already on the page along with a couple that we wouldn't have as it's own lesson. Click here if you want to print the one I used with some of the pictures already in place. This includes the completed teacher's visual also. The original file has a teacher's visual completed. and a student file folder without any pictures on the timeline. All pictures will need to be cut and glued or made into stickers to use. Click here to download the original. Click here to see the previous lesson in this 13-week series. Click here to see the next lesson. Click here to see more for Elijah. Click here to see more for Elisha. Click here to see the first lesson in this 13-week series. Click here to see the complete list and links for other lessons. Scripture references Elijah 1 Kings 16:33 King Ahab made God angry 1 Kings 17:6 fed by ravens 1 Kings 17:19 he was staying in the widow’s upper room 1 Kings 18:21 you can’t follow God and an idol. pick one. 1 Kings 18:19 Elijah finds Elisha 1 Kings 21:18 God told Elijah to speak to King Ahab about Naboth 2 Kings 1:8 Elijah was hairy and wore a leather belt 2 Kings 2:11 Elijah taken to heaven in a whirlwind James 5:17 Elijah prayed and it didn’t rain for 3 years & 6 months Transfiguration: Matthew 17:3, Mark 9:4, Luke 9:30 Elisha 1 Kings 19:19 Elijah finds Elisha 2 Kings 2:13 he took Elijah’s mantle 2 Kings 2:23 he was bald-headed 2 Kings 4:1-7 widow’s oil 2 Kings 4:16-37 Shunammite woman’s son 2 Kings 5:1-27 Naaman 2 Kings 6:16 God’s army was with Elisha 2 Kings 13:14 Elisha became sick 2 Kings 13:20 Elisha died