Help students uncover Ancient Rome's history and culture with StoryboardThat's enriching lesson plans, biographies, and GRAPES analysis activities.
Teaching ancient Rome can be engaging with these hands-on activities. Your middle schoolers will leave class looking forward to the next class.
One of my favorite things about teaching my fabulous third-grade students is teaching social studies. I LOVE their social studies units because many of them are about ancient civilizations. We start off the year with Ancient Egypt and Ancient China, and finish with Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. AQUEDUCTS This activity rocks because not only […]
Ancient Rome Lapbook for Kids and Fun Hands-on Ideas. If you're studying Ancient Rome, you'll love this free Ancient Rome lapbook. Be sure to grab my other lapbook ideas on my page. .
Learn about life in Ancient Rome with FREE printable history readers about the powerful Roman Civilization that ruled Europe for 1,000 years.
Learn all about Ancient Rome with this convenient Ancient Rome Timeline! From the founding of Rome upon a hill, to the Ides of March, and the murder of Julius Caesar, it's all here.
Ancient Rome Definition Cards - Free, printable, Montessori-inspired cards for learning vocabulary relevant to Ancient Rome. Features the terms Tiber, Romulus & Remus, plebian, patrician, aqueduct, centurion, gladiators, Testudo formation, senate, forum, tunic, toga, villa, fasces, barbarians, and Roman numerals
Dive into a famous ancient civilization to learn about history with FREE printable Romans Coloring Pages. Fun history activity for elementary students.
Make your study come alive with these Ancient Rome unit study activities and ideas that we used with MFW Rome to the Reformation.
Homeschool Resources: Teaching Ancient Rome is a collection of printables, books, art, hands-on activities and more for teaching Ancient Rome in your homeschool.
These Ancient Rome activities will keep kids interested while they learn about this ancient culture.
Learn about the Ancient Roman Civilization with FREE printable Rome Pennants to learn about this mighty empire that ruled 1000 years!
Ancient Rome Roll the Dice, Ancient Civilization Game, Ancient Rome Review Game This Roll the Dice activity would be perfect for review before a test, a class competition, or even independent work. The directions say to discuss the answers with their partners, but you could also have them quickly write their answer on loose leaf for additional accountability! Additional Ancient Civilization Resources: - Compare and Contrast Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece - Ancient Rome Research Project - Ancient Egypt Pear Deck Review Looking for a free activity? - Thanksgiving - Valentine's Day