Do you have a high A1c? Learn what A1c means and my top 3 recommendations on how to get your blood sugars to goal.
These diet, exercise, and lifestyle tips can help keep your A1C in your target range, which can help you stay healthy and better control your type 2 diabetes.
Everything you need to know about how to lower your A1c and reclaim control as you learn to manage your blood sugar levels.
The A1c is a marker of your overall level of diabetes control. Learn steps for lowering this important metric without medication.
...but when you read the newest research you may start to think, ‘oh snap! how do i lower my a1c with type 1 diabetes?’.
If you live with diabetes, you can lower your A1C score by making changes to your routine. Learn about the practices that may help.
I was diagnosed with diabetes back in 2018. Back then I was about 232 pounds and wore a size 44 pants. In addition to being a little heavier, I was also drinking a lot. I would work, and then go home…