Verschönere deinen Raum mit diesen beeindruckenden Drucken und tauche ein in die Pracht der Peranakan-Kunst, konserviert auf zeitlosem Papier. 8x Motive
12 Mini Kühlschrankmagnete Art Nouveau Tile Immer wieder schön: Magnete am Kühlschrank, am Whiteboard oder jedem anderen metallischen Untergrund. Sie halten Ihre Notizen, Nachrichten oder was sonst wichtig ist. Sie tun es auf schöne Weise. Kühlschrankmagnet-Set mit einer Auswahl von Motiven nach historischen Jugendstil-Fliesen. Die Auswahl besteht aus 12 Magneten und wird in einer transparenten Geschenkbox geliefert. Maße: 2,2 x 2,2 cm Motiv: Fliese Jugendstil EAN: 8718819795971
With its intricacy and artistic detail, it is not hard to see why these tiles became a requisite of the Peranakan decorative repertoire.
Peranakan Photo Art inspired by shophouse tiles in Singapore
new at the little dröm store.
Vintage Pernakan wall tiles One pair Depicting phoenix and chrysanthemum motif Hand crafted in Jingdezhen Beautuiful color and glaze Collectible peranakan pottery Dimension: 6 x 6 inches (15 x 15 cm)
Item specificsCondition
Introducing the Mela Boho Peranakan Tales Coasters Set, part of our MelaxChumbak collaborative collection. A charming addition to your home decor. Crafted with care, these coasters feature intricate Singapore-inspired designs in rich brown hues. Measuring 3.9x3.9x0.2" each, these coasters are perfect for protecting your surfaces while adding a touch of cultural elegance. Made from durable MDF with a printed enamel finish, they combine style with functionality. This set of six coasters is ideal for entertaining guests or enjoying a quiet evening at home. Elevate your table setting with the Mela Boho Peranakan Tales Tile Coasters Set and add a hint of sophistication to any space. MDF, Print and Enamel Brown
When you're on the hunt for tiles, you'll definitely want to explore the best tile shops. But which ones are they? We're here to help you.