Are you looking for effective, engaging phonics activities that are taught explicitly and systematically? If so, I’ve got you covered! In this post, I’m sharing my go-to science of reading aligned small group instruction tool: Read more
FREE Comprehension Notebooks! Grab this free Comprehension Notebook Sampler and see how easy it is to differentiate comprehension instruction in your classroom. iN THESHOP Reading Phonics writing seasonal Bundles shop all Featured Products visit the shop Latest on the Blog I'm so happy you are here Hello! I'm Jodi I'm a wife, mom of three, and a first grade teacher in Indiana. I love to read, laugh, create, work out, and spend time with my family. I thrive on creating new ways to make learning FUN! I'm so happy you are here Hello! I'm Jodi I'm a wife, mom of three, and
What Are They? Write & Wipe Phonics Cards are a phonics tool that you can use at literacy centers/stations, Word Work, with a paraeducator or volunteer, or during small group instruction. This phonics bundle includes every phonics sound-spellings (see the full list below). Research has shown that in order for students to "lock in" new concepts, they must partake in hands-on learning. These Write & Wipe cards do just that! The word shape boxes provide the necessary support to students as they decipher each picture and write the corresponding word. How They Work: You may want to laminate this resource so it can be used multiple times. You may even want to print the sheets on cardstock or bright paper (Astrobright is my personal favorite). Students will need a dry erase marker, eraser, and magnifying glass to use this resource. Students will look at the picture and determine the word. Then, they will write the word in the word shape boxes. Next, they will use the magnifying glass to self-check (and correct, if necessary). Finally, they will wipe off their word and move onto the next card. I like to have different materials available at this station so students can build the word, if they wish. They can use magnetic letters, string, play dough, beans, cork pieces, beads, etc. I also encourage some students to use the word in a sentence (you can provide them with a dry erase board to do this or they can use a Word Work journal). One bonus to this resource is the flexibility in how you use it! You can cater the cards to your students’ specific needs. If some students need additional CVC practice, set aside those cards and have students practice CVC words during your small group time. Or, have those cards ready for those students to use at Word Work. It is 100% up to you! How to Store: You can organize these cards by sound-spelling and store in Ziploc baggies, drawers, or containers. I plan on storing these in this IRIS Extra Large Photo & Craft Keeper. I will be making labels for this resource and adding them tomorrow (along with additional tips on storage). What Patterns Are Included? Short Vowel Word Families: ab, ad, ag, am, an, ap, at, ack en, ed, et, ell, ent, eck in, ip, it, ill, ick, ink, ing ot, og, op, ock ug, un, ump, uck, unk Long Vowel Word Families: a_e, ai, ay ea, ee, ie, y (as in messy) i_e, igh, y ( as in sky) o_e, oa, ow, oe u_e, ue, ew Beginning Blends: L Blends: bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl R Blends: br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr S Blends: sc, sm, sn, sp, st, sw Beginning and Ending Digraphs: Beginning: ch, sh, th, wh, ph, kn, wr Ending: ch, sh, th Diphthongs: au, aw, oi, oy, oo (as in boot), oo (as in foot), ou, ow R-Controlled Vowels: ar, er, ir, or, ur Trigraphs: scr, spr, squ, spl, str Hard C/Soft C Hard G/Soft G ___________________________________ You may also like… → Phonics Center Cards - The Bundle → Phonics Picture Puzzles Bundle → CVC and CVCe Centers Bundle ___________________________________
Hello! JenBradshaw here from Grab your FREE Word Search Templates. These are student created word searches that work perfect for ANY WORD LIST! spelling words phonics vocabulary sight words high frequency words Best wishes! You Might Also Like:Student-Created Word Search TemplatesNeed a Little Something Fun For Memorial Day?Fern Smith’s Free Memorial Day Word SearchEnd of ... Read More about FREE Word Search Templates
Teaching word work in your classroom doesn't have to be hard. Grab 20 free word work activities and ideas for your students!
Creating links within a Word document can transform how we navigate our work. By adding hyperlinks to different sections, we can jump directly to related
Word work activities for ANY words! Word work is an essential part of language learning in the primary grades. Make word work FUN while LEARNING takes place! There are seventeen different word work activities included in this pack. They can be used for absolutely ANY word learning! Perfect for literacy centers or sub plans. A must have for Kindergarten- Third Grade! #wordwork #wordworkactivities #spelling #1stgrade #2ndgrade #kindergarten
Add this prefix practice for word work collection to your word parts focus in your primary classroom.
Words can make or break a piece of writing. If there are too many overused words, the writing is dull and boring. If words are too bold, the meaning of the sentence can become confusing or without fluency. Choosing a few "better" words can jazz up a boring piece of writing and bump up an overall score in an assessment. You need just the right words to capture your reader's attention and make the writing come alive. Words can create lots of different moods, images, and meaning in the reader's mind. By introducing more words in the classroom, students will increase their vocabulary! Vocabulary is the foundation of reading. Learning new vocabulary will increase reading and comprehension. Knowing more words will help students express themselves better and communicate more. One way to express themselves is through writing. When students know more words, they will be able to increase their reading and writing skills. One way to increase vocabulary is to have a word wall. A wall that is dedicated for just words will help students grow as good readers and writers. The word wall should be in a place where all students can see and utilize the words on it. Words can be added or taken away from the word wall. I always added spelling words, HFW, vocabulary words from our reading stories, and even our science words we were learning for our unit to the word wall. These Word Choice Posters will help students increase their vocabulary and improve their writing skill. The words on the posters can help students jazz up their writing and bring it to life. The 24 posters take overused words and give students a choice of 15 "better" words. Each poster also has 7 sentences to practice replacing the overused word. Theses sentences are perfect for mini-lessons or as examples for novice learners. Keep the posters whole or cut them in half. Use the posters for your word wall and use the sentences at your writing centers. Either way, students will be exposed to some new vocabulary, learn how to jazz up a piece of writing, and make your word wall look fantastic! Word Choice Posters include these 24 overused words: bad, big, cold, easy, fast, fun, get, good, happy, hard, hot, little, mad, make, mean, nice, pretty, sad, said, see, slow, ugly, very, and went Start collecting words and adding them to the word wall. Once a word goes on the word wall, it's expected to be used and spelled correctly for the remainder of the year. Here is a FREE worksheet from the pack above. This worksheet will help replace 8 overused words from the Word Choice pack to try. Students rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined word with a better or juicy word. Adding better words can make sentences come alive! Click the picture on the left to download this FREE WORKSHEET. Here is another Word Choice pack that I created years ago. This pack is more for older students with a fun sense of humor. It's a great unit or lesson to use during Halloween time. This pack has more centers and activities using word choice. "Said is Dead." Click the picture on the left to read more about it. I would not do this pack with 2nd graders or younger. They don't seem to get the humor in it. Here is a poster you may like or need that I found on Amazon: Descriptive Words Learning Chart Have an outrageous time educating students about words! See you soon, Click the picture on the left to see more WRITING resources from me at Teacher's Take-Out.
Hey my peeps! I hope your summer has been fantastic!! I have two more weeks, then it’s back to the grind for me. Hop on over to Blog Hoppin’ to grab a cool math freebie!!!!! I will be back when school starts to share the haps in my classroom. Have a great week!
In January, I wrote a quick little blog series about my Word Study Activities and Routines and how I use Words Their Way . I could {obviously} talk about word study forever and I found that there was another aspect of my Words Their Way word study routine that I'd like to share more about
Looking for the best Microsoft Word alternatives that are free? Here's a list of the best free Microsoft Word alternatives for PC.
Word work activities for ANY words! Word work is an essential part of language learning in the primary grades. Make word work FUN while LEARNING takes place! There are seventeen different word work activities included in this pack. They can be used for absolutely ANY word learning! Perfect for literacy centers or sub plans. A must have for Kindergarten- Third Grade! #wordwork #wordworkactivities #spelling #1stgrade #2ndgrade #kindergarten
Plus, a free printable so your students can play offscreen.