Imperialism in China - Map Activity - This is a 2 page map activity related to imperialism in China. It includes a blank map that requires students to label countries surrounding China, as well as the 'spheres of influence' in China during the time of imperialism in China. The resource includes a ...
HISTORY of the World - Imperial China (Infotext+Exercises) The material contains a worksheet with an information text and various exercises related to the text. You will receive the material (4 pages) and the solutions (2 pages) in PDF format and in DOCX format. Have also a look to our MEGA-Bundles with all the subject-worksheets at an incredibly low price! Terms of Use: The materials offered here can be freely used for personal purposes or for designing your own lessons. Adjustments such as adding names or date lines are expressly permitted. It is also allowed to reproduce the content for these purposes. However, distributing these materials to third parties, removing copyright notices or logos, and copying the content for purposes other than those permitted is not allowed. Commercial use of our materials without prior written consent is also not permitted. However, we are always open to being contacted. Suggestions and feedback on the materials are always welcome. They help to improve and keep the offering up to date. Constructive feedback allows for continuous optimization of the materials.
Compare the teachings of Legalism and Buddhism in China. This summary guided reading offers a formative assessment that includes multiple choice, short answer, and matching questions. Answer key included! Suggested uses: Topic overview activity or reteaching activity Combined with other guided readings (see my store for more suggestions) as a class jigsaw activity An addition to your station rotation lesson Independent work activity or sub day assignment Alternative assignment for individual students (absent students, students assigned to in-school suspension) Accelerated lesson when planned teaching time runs short Keep a printed class set for unexpected lesson changes or technology glitches A very versatile lesson!
This fascinating collection of facts about China history, Chinese culture & tradition will leave you shaking your head. It's amazing what China is known for
Imperialism in China - Resource Bundle (PowerPoint, Webquests, Readings) - This is a detailed and exciting unit that covers the topic of Imperialism in China. With a focus on student-centered learning and with the possibility of differentiation, this unit will be a versatile tool in your classroom. It uses a wide variety of strategies and tools and will help your students to understand the main topics related to imperialism in China, such as: Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion, Open Door Policy, the Qing Dynasty, and much more! You save by buying this bundle! If bought separately, all of these resource would cost much more! The following describes each resource available in this bundle: Imperialism in China and the Opium Wars - Webquest with Key - This 12 page webquest is centered on imperialism in China during the Age of Imperialism and the resulting Opium Wars. It contains 30 questions and a political cartoon related to imperialism in China from the Alpha History website. It contains a detailed teacher key for ease of assessment. Imperialism in China - Opium Wars - Reading, Questions and Cartoon Analysis - This 8 page imperialism in China resource details the history and significance of the Opium Wars during the period of imperialism in China. It includes a 2 page reading on the history of the Opium Wars between China and Britain and the role they played in the history of imperialism in China. The resource also includes a set of 21 questions related to the reading and will help your students to understand the history and significance of the Opium Wars during the period of imperialism in China. The final four questions of the resource are based on an analysis of a political cartoon related to imperialism in China. The entire resource includes a detailed teacher key to make assessment an ease. Imperialism in China - PowerPoint with Student Handout (44 Slides!) - This imperialism in China 44 slide PowerPoint Presentation centers on the major events, themes and history of European imperialism in China. The PowerPoint includes vibrant images, transitions and animations that will liven up your discussion and lesson on the history of imperialism in China. This presentation makes a great introduction or review for a imperialism in China unit of study! Imperialism in China - Map Activity - This is a 2 page map activity related to imperialism in China. It includes a blank map that requires students to label countries surrounding China, as well as the 'spheres of influence' in China during the time of imperialism in China. The resource includes a teacher key fir ease of assessment. Imperialism in China - USA Open Door Policy - Reading, Questions, Cartoon - This 6 page imperialism in China resource centers on the United States' Open Door Policy in relation to imperialism in China in the 1800's. The resource begins with a one and a half page reading on the history of imperialism in China and the United States' Open Door Policy. Specifically, the reading details the history of 'spheres of influence' in China by imperial powers, US Secretary of State John Hay and his introduction of the Open Door Policy and more. The resource also includes a set of 11 questions related to the reading to help your students understand the history and significance of imperialism in China and the Open Door Policy. The last three questions of the resource focus on analyzing a political cartoon related to the Open Door Policy and imperialism in China. The entire resource includes a teacher key for ease of assessment. Boxer Rebellion - Webquest with Key (Imperialism in China) - This 4 page document contains a webquest and teachers key related to the basics of the Boxer Rebellion during the time of imperialism in China. It contains 14 questions from the website. Your students will learn about the history and significance of the Boxer Rebellion during the Age of Imperialism in China. It covers all of the major people, themes and events of the settling of the Boxer Rebellion. Specifically, your students will learn about the start of the Boxer Rebellion, the reaction of the imperial powers, and much more! A great tool to teach the history of the Boxer Rebellion and its significance during imperialism in China.