This is a fun worksheet to practice pronouns with your EFL students.
Personal Pronouns: Subject and Object Pronouns Worksheets - Grades Two and Three. There are 3 printables which are geared towards grades two and three. Answer keys are included too! Great for test prep, homework, review, and group work. ***If you plan on sharing this resource, please purchase the appropriate number of licenses Easier worksheets geared towards grades 1 and 2 are here! Personal Pronouns: Subject and Object Pronouns Learners of the World!
Cloze activity to practice and learn subject-object pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. Key for the exercies is given. - ESL worksheets
Teaching grammar and language art skills can be a challenge for anyone. How do you hit all of the skills...effectively? How do you know your students are
English Grammar We introduce English grammar to kids from grade 1. Grammar is not at all a boring. You just need to be little more creative. To start with topics like noun, verb, pronoun you don’t need to teach them definition first. This is where most of us go wrong. I generally keep the definition […]
A worksheet on possesive adjectives, subject and object pronouns.There is a grammar chart at the top. Students are supposed to do different exercises: fill in the gaps, replace the words in bold with a subject or object pronoun, underline the correct pronoun, read the text and underline the correct pronoun. - ESL worksheets
Here's a List of Pronouns, The Types of Pronouns with Definitions and Examples. Let's explore Complete Lists of all Types of Pronouns.
I and we denote the person or persons speaking, are said to be personal pronouns of the First Person.