Image gallery for: Keep your closet clutter free keep your closet clutter free to keep your closet neat and tidy use these easy fashion folds by the gooch ahere are my new ways to fold clothes and save space here s a simple way to fold your jeans for your closet shelves and help you find them faster this maximizes space in your closet when packing for an overnight or weekend getaway you want to save space by packing your sweatshirts nice and tight like so don t forget to fold your briefs and underwear make three folds like so so that you re able to stack them in your underwear drawer to save space and time by folding the arms in first prior to folding in the hood this is how to fold your hoodie so it lies flat in your closet and your drawers this is how to perfectly fold your puffer jacket be sure to let me know at the end of this video which one of these clothing tips and tricks is your favorite instead of folding sweaters simply do two folds over a hanger i learned this quick and easy sweater fold from my friend that works at a well known department store the secret is to tuck this inside for a neat and tidy fold this quick and easy blue jean fold is perfect for packing them into tight quarters and drawers these simple clothing folds keep your closet organized your dresser drawers tidy and maximize space in your travel bags you re welcome

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