Image gallery for: Perfect brazo de mercedes lage bang bumabagsak or nagcracrack ang brazo de mercedes mo heto na ang sagot sa problema mo by baking tutorials good day to all my friends welcome to the pinoy tv bakery this is a very interesting video of ours today because i will teach you how to make a perfect mercedez arm surely after you watch this and do the procedure properly you will be able to perfect the arms of mercedes so our first step is to break seven eggs six if extra large size after we separate the yellow and white we just need to make sure that the egg yolk doesn t mix with our egg white for us to get rid of our egg white properly and our bowl should not have a can of oil or water she should have dried properly and the egg we are going to use round temperature only so what we are going to cook is his filling let s just mix it with condense milk egg vanilla essence and lemon flavor or lemon extract lemon juice can also be used to reduce the thinness of our eggs that s when we mix it we will cook it until it is ripe so while we are cooking it we should just stir it continuously so that the bottom doesn t burn when it s a bit thick let s put the butter and keep mixing it and when it s this thick we can cool it because when it gets old mig this is even more thick the next thing we do oh this is his merang is the most critical of all that s why we should pay attention to all the details so here we combine egg white cream of tartar and corn flour one of the reasons why i put corn flour so it doesn t crack when we scratch it this will serve as his most bundle but just don t put too much you should just follow the recipe because if you put too much corn floor it will look like marshmallow when our egg white rises let s put our sugar let s put it gradually little by little so that our egg white won t be surprised one of the most important tips when we are mixing we should only use the weakest speed when using a hand mixer the purpose is to make him more fine and not to be overmixed because if we use high speed the barber that was formed inside is bigger according to when cooked that s the reason why our miram falls that s why sometimes we wonder when inside the oven it blows a lot but when it gets cold and stumps like this it should be the most accurate dough it should be soft peak so let s put it on the tray we level it and put a design afterwards let s cook him one hundred fifty degrees celsius twenty five minutes the size of the train i used here is twenty four by thirty centimeter so according to that when it s cooked let s just cool it for three minutes to five minutes before we roll it so here let s taste it of icing sugar and also when we put it on let s stick it with icing sugar so that it won t stick when we roll it so that its design won t be damaged this is another important tip when we put his feeling we should just pipe it so we won t break it it s easier to spread when he s already pipe so there our arms are ready de mer mercedes i hope you learn something from this video and if you have any questions just comment below and we will answer thank you very much

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