Flat-footedness is an increasingly problematic condition with it affecting up to 30% of people's lives. It’s one of those conditions we seem to ignore until it's impairing our lives before any action is taken. I have had flat feet for as long as I can remember and have suffered, or are currently suffering, from many of these symptoms. Had I looked into mobilizing and strengthening certain parts of my body, I probably could’ve avoided some of these issues much earlier or even altogether. That’s why I’m here telling you to take action early on….the longer you wait, the more these problems spread! Below, I have listed some of the reasons why these conditions might be giving you pain. Note that it is because of the flat feet in the first place that these symptoms are so noticeable. By addressing your flat feet, you may be able to cure yourself or alleviate some pain you’re experiencing from these issues. In no particular order, here are the ten! Heel/Arch Pain One of the most common places to experience pain from having flat feet. Injuries to the parts of the foot that form the arch and structural issues are leading causes of pain. Oftentimes, it is because of a collapsed arch that we have the appearance of a flat foot and subsequently, pain in our heel and/or arch. Knee and/or Hip Pain Flat feet are notorious for causing Knee Valgus and tilting the hips forward because of the overpronation in the feet. When the arch of your foot is too weak, it can collapse inward causing overpronation. This encourages more issues like the legs rotating inward and the knees collapsing inward as well as the hips tilting too far forward. Lower Back Pain It seems like everyone has back pain to some extent. Even for the active person, flat feet can lead to very poor posture and take a heavy toll on the back. Shin Splints A very common one among runners (especially new ones) wearing poorly made shoes and not using proper technique. Bunions Bunions can become very painful if not given attention or removed from shoes with narrow toe boxes. The toes want to spread out so they can become strong and have good traction of the ground. They also are responsible for upholding the arch of our foot. Achilles Tendonitis Another condition often caused by wearing elevated heel shoes. Flat feet will make you more prone to experiencing this kind of inflammation. Plantar Fasciitis This is inflammation in the band that connects the heel to the toes and supports the main arch in your foot. Overpronation from flat-footedness, obesity, and excessive stress put on the fascia can make this problem flare up. Hammertoe This condition is a big indicator that your shoe’s toe box is too narrow and/or the heel of the shoe is too elevated. Along with our tight shoes, excessive pronation will worsen this condition as the toes and foot arches have a give and take relationship with each other that can often decide the well being of the other. Poor Posture The body is one long chain of joints and connective tissue. When the base of your temple (your feet) are dysfunctional, the rest of your joints will try to compensate as it moves up the body. Severely Limited Movement and Weight-Bearing Ability If you experience one or several of these problems, you already know that your freedom of movement is a fraction of what it should be. As for carrying weight….that might be an afterthought when carrying your bodyweight hurts enough.