Getting old isn’t much fun. Yeah, sure, you get somewhat wiser, more composed, and even might have an idea what to do with your life. But, on the other hand, there are pains and aches from having slept in an awkward position, there’s the handful of vitamins to be swallowed each morning, and there’s the graying hair and sagging skin. But, as the elders in my country say - the grayer the hair, the more mischief. To put it shortly, every single one of us is getting old, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Except, of course, laugh! And what’s a better way to prepare yourself for the upcoming woes of aging than a list full of old people jokes. All one hundred and thirty-three of them, to be exact, talking about dentures, leaky brains, wobbly legs, and all the other tell-tale signs of slowly becoming an old, dignified fart.