Check these practical and research-based classroom motivation strategies!
These 25 quick and easy tips for new teachers will help you create a positive, engaging, and effective learning environment for your students.
Here are six teaching strategies I use every lesson, every day.
These engaging strategies to incorporate movement in the classroom are perfect for the fidgety students & kinesthetic learners in your class!
Personalize the content, process, product, or learning environment.
Dr Spencer Kagan is a renowned educator who changed the way the world viewed teaching. He is mainly known for his work on cooperative learning strategies (often referred to as Kagan learning struc…
A teaching method is essentially like a tool, much like the variety of tools a painter uses to create his paintings.
The 5 Best Methods & Specific Tips on HOW to Incorporate Each in Your Own Classroom Being a teacher is a tough business. It can be hard to navigate the classroom and know if your teaching methods are
Use resources that make learning more manageable.
In this post, I will explore four key instructional strategies: Direct Instruction, Interactive Instruction, Experiential Learning, and Independent Study. Each strategy has its unique benefits and limitations, and understanding their underlying principles can help educators make informed decisions about the most appropriate methods to employ in their classrooms.
Every English language arts teacher needs a variety of successful, student led discussion strategies that will provide opportunities for student learning.
Explore practical guidance on culturally responsive teaching for educators. Learn principles, curriculum analysis, lesson development, and implementation strategies for creating inclusive learning environments.
My best teaching strategies ideas! The tools you need, how to praise kids the right way, & how to incorporate movement and minimize interruptions.
Use this list of 107 instructional strategies to fill-in that lesson plan or teaching portfolio with some high quality teaching strategies.Or, try some of these strategies out when you’re low on ideas and looking for a fresh way to teach in the classroom!
Gamification tools for teachers are the topic of our blog post today!
What Are Marzano's 9 Instructional Strategies For Teaching And Learning? by TeachThought Staff In education, louder than the call for innovation, engagement, thought, or self-direction is the call to be research-based. In fact, being research-based may even trump being data-based, the two twins of modern ed reform. The former stems, in part, from deserved skepticism of trends that have little evidence of performance, and the latter comes from a similar place. The big idea behind the both is 'proof'--having some kind of confidence that what we're doing now works, and that because of both data and research, we can more or less nail down what exactly it is that we're doing that works or doesn't work, and why. To be clear, being data or research-based isn't anywhere close to fool-proof. So many of the modern trends and innovations that are 'not grounded in research,' or don't 'have the data to support them' suffer here not because of a lack of possibility, potential, or design, but because of research and data itself being sluggish in their own study and performance. But this is all way, way beside the point--a long-winded contextualizing for Robert Marzano's work. Marzano is known for, above all else, identifying 'what works,' and doing so by reviewing and distilling research, then packaging it for schools and districts to use. Among his most frequently quoted products is the 'Marzano 9': 9 instructional strategies that have been proven by research to 'work' by yielding gains in student achievement. And so Dr. Kimberly Tyson thought to gather Marzano's nine instructional strategies for learning and create a useful graphic for saving. (See also 32 Research-Based Instructional Strategies .) Marzano's 9 Instructional Strategies For Learning Identifying similarities and differences Summarizing and note-taking Reinforcing effort and providing recognition Homework and practice Non-linguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives and providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, and advance organizers Marzano's 9 Instructional Strategies In Infographic Form
Visualizing the text is such an important strategy used for building your students’ reading comprehension. It is very versatile as it can be used in different ways with students of all ages and reading levels. I
Explore practical tips on understanding learner differences and catering to diverse learning needs in the classroom.
Research based teaching strategies you can use today with a free printable chart.
Every English language arts teacher needs a variety of successful, student led discussion strategies that will provide opportunities for student learning.
Looking for effective teaching strategies for autism classrooms? Check out these 10 practical tips for how to teach autistic students! From visual aids to inclusive practices, these strategies can make a big difference. #Autism #TeachingStrategies
Differentiation is a word that is used a lot in teaching. We know a good teacher uses differentiation strategies daily to meet the needs of…
Find out what are teacher strategies? Top 12 teaching strategies you can use to improve your online classroom today.
Discover the ultimate guide to Classroom Management Apps, meticulously curated to enhance your teaching experience.
Every teacher needs a teaching tool kit. A bunch of go to teaching strategies that they can use to carry out their amazing lessons. If you are beginning with
Differentiation and scaffolding can help students better understand and learn. Here are teaching ideas and tips to use in class.
Hands-on pre-reading activities that encourage your elementary students to access their prior knowledge and make predictions.
What Reading Strategies Work In Every Content Area? by TeachThought Staff Reading is simply a sequence of symbol interpretation. By understanding that letters make sounds, we can blend those sounds together to make whole sounds that symbolize meaning we can all exchange with one another. By mastering the symbols and their most common contexts, reading becomes a practice in thought--less about decoding and more about understanding. Without getting too Platonic about it all, reading doesn't change simply because you're reading a text from another content area. Only sometimes it does. Science content can often by full of jargon, research citations, and odd text features. Social Studies content can be an interesting mix of itemized information, and traditional paragraphs/imagery. Literature? Well, that depends on if you mean the flexible form of poetry, the enduring structure of a novel, or emerging digital literature that combines multiple modalities to tell a story. This all makes reading strategies somewhat content area specific. Stopping (maybe the most undervalued strategy ever) and Rereading might make more sense in science, while Visualization and Text Connections may make more sense reading literary works. Questioning the Text may make equal sense in both. But if you'd like to start with a basic set of strategies, you could do worse than the elegant graphic above from . (Useful site, by the way.) It lists 12 basic reading comprehension strategies, to which we've added 13 for a full 25. Looking for related curricula ideas? Check out our Reading Comprehension Strategy Resources 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area 1. Reread 2. Activate Prior Knowledge 3. Use Context Clues 4. Infer 5. Think Aloud 6. Summarize 7. Locate Key Words 8. Make Predictions 9. Use Word Attack Strategies 10. Visualize 11. Use Graphic Organizers 12. Evaluate Understanding See also 7 Strategies For Using Context Clues In Reading To the above list, we'd add: 13. Question the Text 14. Stop! 15. Monitor & Repair Understanding (While Reading) 16. Paraphrase 17. Annotate the Text 18. Adjust Reading Rate 19. Prioritize Information 20. Use Graphic Notetaking 21. Predict 22. Set a Reader Purpose 23. Text-connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world) 24. Skim 25. SSQ (Stop, Summarize, Question) We'll gather these and put them in a Before Reading, During Reading, and After Reading matrix soon. Only because we like you. See Also: 25 Self-Guided Reading Responses For Fiction And Non-Fiction 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area
Instructional methods are used by teachers to create learning environments and to specify the nature of the activity in which the teacher and learner will be involved during the lesson. While particular methods are often associated with certain strategies, some methods may by found within a variety of strategies. Instructional strategies determine the approach a […]
Here are some practical ways to use to assess prior knowledge:
Inclusive Classrooms ~ "Promote a safe and welcoming classroom school and community where individual differences are valued..."
This blog post delves into one such powerful strategy – Reciprocal Teaching: its meaning, benefits, how it works, and some practical tips for its success.
Asking questions before, during, and after reading comes very naturally to skilled readers, but for struggling readers, this skill can be just the opposite. Asking questions of varying depths is arguably the most important reading
These engaging strategies to incorporate movement in the classroom are perfect for the fidgety students & kinesthetic learners in your class!