Notebooking is a homeschool concept that incorporates many Charlotte Mason-inspired principles. It serves as a written record of knowing and telling, plus making meaning of learning in different subjects. This blog post is all about notebooking, plus how to incorporate it, best supplies, and examples to get started.
Looking for free homeschool resources? These ideas will help you teach regardless of any budget limits, curriculum issues, or rabbit trails that come along.
Need inspiration for hosting poetry teatime with your homeschool group? I've got a year of homeschool co-op poetry teatime themes waiting for you here!
Do you want to know how to start homeschooling but don't know where to begin? You're not alone! In this article, we'll walk through the 8 basic steps.
Is homeschooling free? Yes, it can be! Here's a list of my favorite homeschool curriculum that you can find online for FREE!
If you're wanting to teach your child the life skills you wished you'd known at a younger age, here's the ultimate list for you!
Christian homeschooling is a wonderful way to provide a faith-based education. Discover how to incorporate your beliefs into your curriculum.
Where to begin with Charlotte Mason homeschooling: Who was Charlotte Mason? Why choose a Charlotte Mason home education? Books and resources
Lifestyle blog about motherhood, marriage, recipes, style and the beauty of everyday life sharing all about my homeschooling day
Our homeschool curriculum plans for this school year using a Charlotte Mason philosphy of home education for lower elementary.
We began homeschooling in 2009 and have used lots of resources since then. Here's a look at our favorite homeschool resources, the ones we gladly recommend.
This product is an add-on and can only be purchased with a hard copy order. We recommend using menu covers to display our Morning Time Bundle, Wonder of Nature Early Years Collection, Bible Curriculum, and Treehouse Nature Study. Students can write on the menus with dry erase marker and use the sheets over and over. Shop our full collection here. Clear plastic laminate Black border 4 page book fold design Gold metal corners Dimensions: 8-1/2" x 11"
Not sure how to approach social and emotional learning in your homeschool? Here's what you need to know about SEL with HeyKiddo Huddle.
Printables Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Home Ed/Homeschool Checklists Schedules & Routines
Teaching reproductive health in your homeschool? These tips and curriculum options about reproduction and sexual health can help.
Need help with preschool at home? Here are the preschool websites I loved for lesson ideas, crafts, and curriculum in our early years of homeschooling.
Homeschooling schedule ideas, discussion of homeschool schedule vs rhythm, and ideas for keeping track of homeschooling
Here's a look at our favorite homeschool resources (as minimalists) that add joy, beauty, and purpose to our home.
Choose the best literature-based homeschool curriculum for your family. We include nature study, projects, art, and recipes. The Peaceful Press resources are perfect for families using a Charlotte Mason method or opting for a Classical Conversations community. We also give you literature selections,
New to homeschooling? Today I'm sharing ten must-read books for new homeschoolers. These books will encourage and prepare you for the homeschool journey.
Studying the American Revolution in your homeschool? Here are 100 ways to study the people, places, & events surrounding the colonies and Revolutionary War.
Creating a daily schedule makes consistent homeschooling so much easier . If you don’t have a plan for your day, you likely won’t get to half of the things you want to. I become idle quicky without some type of routine in place. Hence, we came up with a Kindergarten Daily Schedule that helps us all
Freedom Homeschooling lists free high-quality complete all-in-one homeschool curriculum for all grades and learning styles.
Homeschool doesn't have to be complicated! Here's our simple homeschool routine for multiple ages - routine + curriculum choices for 5 kids.
You’ve found the one-stop shop for nature-based homeschool curriculum and video classes. No matter your style, we have a nature-based science series for your family!
Need help getting your kiddos interested in the stories of past cultures and places? Good news, today we're sharing our favorite history books for kids.
Enjoy the rhythms of a well-planned homeschool day with our customizable planner. I developed this homeschool planner to meet my needs as a busy homeschool mom of multiple children. I wanted something simple and beautiful. Customized for Morning Time, Daily Rhythm, and lesson planning, this planner has helped many homeschool moms around the world make space for more beauty and joy in their homeschool. This 2025 Year Planner includes yearly, monthly, and weekly calendars as well as space for daily lesson plans. The planner runs from January - December 2025. The planner is available as a digital, editable pdf which can be printed and bound at home or your local print shop.
Inside: Wondering how to go about creating an unschooling schedule, and if you can even do that and still be considered unschoolers? Learn how creating a schedule looks different when you unschool, and tips for
Need details on North Carolina homeschool testing requirements? Here's everything you need to know about NC standardized test compliance for homeschoolers.
Home Education Checklists Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Download! Schedules &
Come check out our homeschool room! Do you need a dedicated space to homeschool? No! But it makes sense for our family. Let me walk you through our space.
6 Downsides to homeschooling. You've heard the benefits, but what about the downsides? Here's a breakdown of some negatives of homeschooling.
A simple and comprehensive guide for new homeschooling parents. Be encouraged, equipped, and confident in your homeschool journey.
Ready to dig in and learn more about homeschool methods? These books for homeschooling parents focus on methods and several eductional philosophies.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the ins and outs of homeschool tracking and planning. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s really just a matter of having the right tools around to keep everything on track, which is why you need to know about our favorite online […]
Picture study is a simple tool used in the Charlotte Mason homeschooling method to cultivate a deep appreciation for art in children. Unlike art lessons that focus on technique, picture study immerses children in the world of great artists, helping them develop the habit of observation, appreciation and narration. Char