Short on ingredients? Use this chart to find common substitutes!
The 28 MOST COMMON baking ingredients and ingredient substitutions to save the dessert day. Not a mile long list of obscure ingredients, but the ones you really need to know + a free printable!
Baking and Cooking Ingredient Substitutions Chart with the most common substitutions. Free printable chart, perfect to keep in your kitchen.
As we all face uncertainty and stay-at-home orders, a quick trip to the grocery store just isn’t in the cards. If you are like me, you find a recipe and then hopes are dashed as you find out you are missing just one ingredient. Back to the drawing board I go. After facing this several times in the last week, my daughters and I found ourselves asking Alexa what we could substitute. After some thought, I decided it would be a fun activity for me and my daughter Charli to research and talk to our friends and family about their ingredient swaps and share with all of you.
Save yourself a trip to the grocery store and print off this list of ingredient substitutions to have on hand the next time you find yourself missing one of your cooking or baking staples. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of making a favorite cookie recipe, or even family dinner, only to...Read More
With this printable list of kitchen substitutions, you can improvise with common pantry ingredients to get your recipe finished.
Don't let the lack of a 1 ingredient keep you from your favorite recipe. These recipe substitutes are perfect for gluten free, Vegan and Paleo diets, too.
The only list of Baking Substitutions you’ll ever need. Everything from Butter and Egg substitutes to Oil substitutes and more! If you're stuck without an ingredient or just want to make your recipe a little healthier, try one of these options. It's happened to us all. We're mid recipe, and you reach for the baking
A collection of kitchen reference sheets with all those handy substitutes and conversions you need in your kitchen.
Need an ingredient for a recipe that you don't have? Here is a list of some of the most common substitutions.
A list of ingredient substitutions for both baking and cooking to help guide you when you are out of a certain ingredient or need an alternative in a pinch.
Out of milk? Need more breadcrumbs? Behold, our guide to the most common recipe substitutions!We are all in this together, right? Right. We need to make multiple meals a day with what is readily available and what we have on hand in our home kitchens- and sometimes that means we don't have everything we need for a recipe. Substitutions are nothing to be afraid of! It’s simply a time to really think about what you are doing and taste what you are making. Actually, practicing this will inevitably make you a stronger cook in the long run.Below are a few suggestions for when you don’t have a particular ingredient. I should mention that this is not a guarantee for everything. Depending on the recipe you may have to adjust the quantity of something to get the same effect, but don’t dismay. This is the time to follow your gut. When making a substitute, you really need to think about a recipe- and my trick, start with less and then add more if you need it. Smell, taste and touch to figure out if that works for you and what you are going for. Don’t be afraid. I have faith in you and know you can do it. And to that point, if you have questions on what you could sub in for any particular ingredient, ask us about it in the comments. Team Giadzy is always here for support! Milk or Buttermilk1 cup milk or buttermilk = 1/2 cup yogurt + 1/2 cup water I would suggest starting with 1/2 cup yogurt + 1/2 cup water. That will probably give you a pretty accurate consistency. Gluten-Free Floursmultiple GF flours in 1 recipe = 3/4 cup all-purpose gluten free flourIf a recipe calls for 2 or 3 gluten free flours in a recipe, that typically is the recipe writers’ way of making their own blend. Usually, an all-purpose blend can work instead. Just be aware that the blend might absorb differently than the specific flours, so we suggest reducing the amount of all purpose flour being used by 1/4 cup per recipe. Ricotta Cheese1 cup ricotta cheese = 1 cup drained cottage cheeseThis isn’t going to be exactly the same in texture but you will still get a lovely creamy mouth feel plus a little added bonus of a cheese pull from cottage cheese. Just be sure to drain in a fine mesh strainer first so it doesn’t leach out too much liquid into your dish. A coffee filter or clean towel in a colander would work just as well.Lemon Juice1 Tbsp lemon juice = 1/2 Tbsp white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegarThis will work in most cases as an even swap. None the less, I find lemon to be a bit less assertive so I would start with 1/2 the amount when using vinegar in this substitution and taste as you go along. Remember you can always add more but you can’t take away once it’s all in. Tahini1 Tbsp tahini = a dash of toasted sesame oil or 1/2 Tbsp almond butter + 1/2 Tbsp waterAs mentioned above, just start small with this one. The taste of sesame oil is much more intense than tahini. And if you are using the almond butter, thin the almond butter on a 1 to 1 ratio. Anchovy Paste1 tsp anchovy paste = 1/2 tsp fish sauce or soy sauceIf a recipe calls for anchovies or anchovy paste, chances are a dash of fish sauce could do the trick. Start with 1/2 the amount called for in the recipe. If fish sauce is not something you typically find in your refrigerator door, try a dash of soy sauce. Again, start with half the amount. You can always add more. It will lend that same depth of flavor that its fishy counterparts do. Chicken Stockchicken stock = bouillon cube and waterRemember that jar of ‘just in case’ bouillon cubes you have stashed in the back of the cabinet? Well this is the time to use them. Follow the directions on the jar and a splash more water. Bouillon tends to be saltier than prepared broth so diluting it a touch more should do the trick.Breadcrumbspanko breadcrumbs = hand torn bread from the butt end of the loafThis may seem tedious but it’s a great way to get the kids involved too…or significant others who don’t like to help out in the kitchen. It means literally tearing little pinch size pieces of bread off of whatever old loaf you have then drying them slightly in the oven. What you are left with might be even lighter and crunchier than panko. Takes some time but also saves that stale bread you would have thrown out. These might go without saying, but are worth mentioning:Beanscanned bean = canned beanHave chickpeas but not white beans? Or vice versa? No problem at all. Same holds true for pinto beans or even kidney or black beans (though the color could be off putting if using in a puree). Bottom line, for soups, stews and sautés, I don’t really see this substitute as being a problem. Nut Butternut butter = nut butterIf a recipe calls for almond butter and all you have is peanut butter, as long as you like peanut butter and it works with the other flavors in the recipe, go for it. Same holds true for cashew butter or even sunflower seed butter. Just take note of the sugar content. If you are using a sweetened butter you may want to reduce the amount of sugar in a recipe or use less of the nut butter if it’s a savory dish.
Missing a key ingredient in your recipe? Don't fret! This ultimate guide to food substitutes and ingenious ingredient alternatives has got your back! From milk swap tips to clever flour alternatives, discover foolproof ingredient substitutions for all your kitchen crises and cook with confidence, every time!
Which sugar alternative is best for you? We broke them all down, from maple syrup to stevia.
Having Healthy Baking Substitutes is always a good idea. Healthier baking alternatives are actually simple to do!
Sometimes, I just wish life had a cheat sheet, don't you? These helpful graphics and charts make it easy to do so many household tasks and chores.
This recipe is used with permission from Chris Dalziel's book, Dehydrator Cookbook for Beginners, Copyright © 2022 by Rockbridge Press, Oakland, California.
Introspective writings
When baking with honey, there are a few characteristics that make it different than baking with sugar. Below are the conversions to help you make adjustments.
What can you use instead of butter? Or oil? What alternative to butter would you use in cookies? We have several alternatives for butter and oil you can use in your next recipe including coconut oil, Greek yogurt, and applesauce.
When it comes to real food, if you're just starting out, it can be a little overwhelming. There's a lot to take in and it's tough to do it all at once. That's why I've created this easy to navigate guide to real food basics. You can take it one step at a time and
Have you ever seen a recipe with metric measurements and started to search how many grams in an ounce? This cooking weight conversion chart will be a handy addition to any cooking tips and tricks library.
Make your own store bought baking powder substitute with this easy 3 ingredient recipe! Control your ingredients for all natural, organic baking powder!
Looking for keto-friendly alternatives to high-carb foods? Check out these best keto swaps that will satisfy your cravings without derailing your diet.
How to tone down the heat when your spicy food is too hot, hot, hot.
Easy Cooking Substitutions - I am putting this on my fridge!
Having a prinTable of table of measurements at your fingertips simplifies cooking, crafting, and DIY projects, ensuring you can easily convert between various units like cups, teaspoons, meters, and yards..
When you're new to cooking, helpful cooking tips and hacks change everything. You'll go from mac and cheese to baking a souffle in no time!