The formal Regency era lasted from 1811 to 1820 AD, but the period from 1795 to 1837 AD is also sometimes regarded as part of the Regency era. Technically the term Regency refers to a time period in British history, but it is commonly applied to the same time period in other countries, such as France, Russia, and the United States, because of the wide reach of the aesthetic. In the US, this time period is sometimes referred to as the Federalist Era. This aesthetic gained notoriety largely becaus
Today I bring you another installment of Regency fashions from the pages of Ackermann's Repository. In my previous posts from the last part of 1817 - 1820, Ackermann's included a large amount of fashion plates dedicated to mourning fashions due to several deaths within the royal family. It's a nice change of pace to see that most of the fashion plates for 1821 are gaily colored; however the two fashion plates for September 1821 again show mourning clothing due to the death of yet another royal - Queen Caroline wife of the newly crowned King George IV. Her death did not overly impact fashions as you can tell by the remainder of the fashion plates for late fall and winter; since the October fashion plates are a deep rose colored costume and a formal court dress. The Queen passed away in August of 1821 and court mourning was officially ended in late September. For those of you who like to see the interesting written tidbits from Ackermann's; I will be posting Queen Caroline's Death notice and the Ackermann's article about the Royal Coronation of King George the IV at the bottom of this post. Enjoy! My top pick of the 1821 fashion plates The coronation of King George IV (previously the Prince Regent also known as Prinny to his close friends) took place in July 1821 and inspired another fashion plate depicting a fancy court dress. Ackermann's Repository 1821 Fashion Plates 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - January Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - January Issue February 1821 fashion plates are MISSING from the volume I had access to; but I've been lucky enough to locate images of what they did look like. (Update 2/20/2012 - I located an image of the first missing plate for Feb) 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - Feb Issue (Update 1/02/2012 - I located an image of the second missing plate for Feb) 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - Feb Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - March Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - March Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - April Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - April Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - May Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - May Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - June Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 11 - June Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - July Issue The color of this pelisse is listed as Evening Primrose 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - July Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - August Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - August Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - September Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - September Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - October Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - October Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - November Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - November Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - December Issue 1821 - Ackermann's Repository Series 2 Vol 12 - December Issue I'm always amazed at the elaborate trims on vintage clothing like these Regency costumes. They are just so much fun to look at. Thanks for taking a look at 1821 Regency Fashions from the pages of Ackermann's Repository and join me again in the near future for a look at 1822. ***************** Now for those who want to see the Ackermann's account of: Queen Caroline's death and the Coronation of King George IV The Death of Queen Caroline The Coronation of King George IV I thought it was interesting that he wanted a grand ceremony that would outshine Napoleon's and that he choose to do it in the style of the Tudor's. I'm sure the whole affair felt like a fancy dress ball for those in attendance. I enjoy seeing how events like these were recorded in it's day so I hope you found it interesting as well. ************** For your convenience I have included some quick links for my previous postings of Ackermann's Repository Fashions below Ackermann's ran series 1 from 1809 - 1815 Series 1 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1809 Series 1 - Vol 3 & 4 - 1810 Series 1 - Vol 5 & 6 - 1811 Series 1 - Vol 7 & 8 - 1812 Series 1 - Vol 9 & 10 - 1813 Series 1 - Vol 11 & 12 - 1814 Series 1 - Vol 13 & 14 - 1815 The Ladies of Ackermann's Regency Fashion (this is a fun digital art piece I did using many of the above ladies) Ackermann's ran series 2 from 1816 - 1822 Series 2 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1816 Series 2 - Vol 3 & 4 - 1817 Series 2 - Vol 5 & 6 - 1818 Series 2 - Vol 7 & 8 - 1819 Series 2 - Vol 9 & 10 - 1820 Series 2 - Vol 11 & 12 - 1821 Series 2 - Vol 13 & 14 - 1822 - coming soon Ackermann's ran series 3 from 1823 - 1828 (series 3 coming soon) I hope you join me again for more Regency fashions from Ackermann's Repository Till next time... Thanks for visiting me here at If you have enjoyed seeing these images from Ackermann's Repository and would like the opportunity to see and read an original for yourself they are are available on line at Click HERE then choose the volume you are interested in. You can then see and read them online or download them to your computer for future reference. Enjoy!
Part two of Fitting Regency Gowns. Thankfully YWU and FR have been saved, so I give this second part gladly! Gathered neckline pulling How much gathering occurs in a neckline and where it is placed can be affected not only by the overall size of the neckline, but the shape as well. This particular shape of neckline on Gwendolyn does best when the gathers are concentrated toward the front and do not continue up the shoulders (24). If the gathers are spread out, up the shoulders, the armscye becomes very full and wavy(25). The reason this doesn’t work is that this bodice shape has a squared neckline, as shown on the right (26). The bodice on left is made to gather up the shoulders, sloping outward, allowing the gathering to be diagonal toward the underbust rather than horiztonal toward the shoulder. You’ll see the finished garment of this pattern in the next section. Wrong waistline angle or Gaping underbust If the underbust does not have a drawstring in it, it can be difficult to make it snug enough to not gap, particularly in the back. There is also an issue of the waistline drooping in back, rather than angling up slightly as is appropriate. The easiest way that I have found to find the perfect waistline size and angle is to pin a tape around the waist and attach the bodice to it (27). It’s especially helpful with gathers under the bust to know how much to gather in to. Sleeve issues: Shallow Top If the sleeve head is too short, it can create numerous problems. It is very likely to pull at the shoulder strap, causing it to gap, wrinkle, or even pull off the shoulder. You’ll also see wrinkles angling from under the arm towards the top center (28). That means that the underarm is too high compared to the top of the sleeve, most often because the top is too short rather than the bottom being to high (29). If you dip out the bottom, particularly on a longer or fitted sleeve, this could bring the narrower circumference up higher, making the sleeve too tight. Narrow Top If the sleeve head is too narrow it will prevent the arm from raising, pull greatly on the bodice shoulders, and possibly even create horizontal pull marks across the arm (30). A wider curve, possibly even a flat section along the top, can fix this problem (31). Restricted movement Even if the sleeve head does not seem too narrow or too short, there may still be problems with lifting the arm or reaching out in front (32). It’s very common with fitted sleeves or the narrow backs of the time period. You could bring your armscye further out on the shoulder or further up under the arm. However, you don’t have to sacrifice a narrow back or have a seam cutting in under your arm. The sleeves can be adjusted to fit, just expect that there will be wrinkles in the back (33). This allows the arm to raise up without pulling on the bodice (34). Making the back corner more square allows for this (35). You can also make the sleeve fuller to allow for more movement, or because of style preference. I generally increase the width of mine from a fitted sleeve one-and-a-half times. The very simple way of doing this is to take a fitted sleeve pattern which fits you and the gown, then cut it into strips. Filling in the lines between the spaced strips will give you a fuller sleeve (36). Err on the higher side when connecting lines, possibly adding a small allowance to the top and/or bottom of the sleeve to have it “poof” out more. Skirt issues: Pulling across front When flat-fitted fronts are brought all the way around to the back for gathers to begin, there are often wrinkles across the front where the gown is trying to fit over the hips. There are a few solutions to this issue. First is to use panels with angled seams. There are a number of examples of this style in Patterns of Fashion 1 and The Cut of Women’s Clothes. Another option is to place fullness at the very side, either in the form of a pleat or gathers. Even though you don’t often see this in portraits, it can be well hidden under the arm. In this last section I’m going to show four of my gowns from the Regency period and talk about what does, or does not, fit well. The first is of the style of the 1790s (37). This is the gown to which the gathered front pattern belongs to above. The neckline gathers up well, not pulling or placing too much fullness on the shoulders. Depending on how I move the gathers the neckline can be more round or square. The main issue comes with the sleeves. They are not quite wide enough to fit into such a small back (38). If my shoulders were set further back, it would be fine. It would be best (if made again) to move the armscye forward in front and back or to add extra to the sleeve in back. It’s difficult to fit to a narrow back with fitted sleeves. The fullness in the front of the skirt means I don’t have to worry about pulling over the hips, although when I tried to place the pleats in back between the seams the fabric wanted to pull the skirt into a tight roll rather than fanning out into a train. The next gown is based on an 1805 extant (39). In this case, the sleeves fit well and allow for great movement, no tightness across the back (40). Comparing to the original they could have been slightly fuller. There was a slight gaping under the bust, so I finished the seam with a drawstring. It only slightly pulls in, so no visible gathers. The skirt is made up of four pieces; a front with angled sides, two side pieces with only one angled side, and a straight back. My main issue with the gown is that the front bodice panel should have been wider. It pulls snug across the bust and the original seems to be looser to allow the center front to drape down slightly. I place a gathering cord center front to pull it down, but it does not want to easily. Third is an 1812 style (41). I have no major issues with this one, but having a drawstring across the front neck and the back, gathered sleeves, wide back, and a snug waistband make for an easy fit (42). This skirt was also made with angled pieces (as you can see from the stripes), but there is also gathering around all but the very front of the bodice. The last is based on a fashion plate from 1816 (43). I am still in the process of building this one and working out the kinks. The sleeves will be drawn up (as the left one is), but this shows you the overall length and size of a fuller sleeve. My main issues come with the bodice front and undergarments. I originally draped this bodice to go over a corset, however, the straps of the gown were set too far out and showed the corset straps and shift neckline. I might have to adjust the darts later once I find the right style to hide underneath. The other issue is that the stripes need to run vertically, but this can be a problem with crossed necks. I had to adjust the waistline of the bodice down to keep the neck from gaping, but this puts annoying pulls horizontally. The skirt does fit well, owing to a 2” pleat on either side, just under the arms. I am thinking about making this pleat deeper to fix the slight pull seen in the back view (44). However, it has yet to be hemmed and I want to see what happens when the hem is free from the floor. When constructing a garment, search through as many sources as possible. Look at period artists, particularly Sir Thomas Lawrence, Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Vladimir Borovikovsky, Gilbert Stuart, Jacques-Louis David, and Henry Raeburn. Fashion plates can be useful, but they lack detail; particularly of wrinkles, darts, and seams. And, as always, look to other costumers garments for their triumphs and tribulations.
Hey all. I'm back with more Regency Fashions from Ackermann's Repository! I know these ladies look so prim and proper in their lovely Regency attire; but I can't help but wonder how many of Regency ladies were a bit wicked and wild beneath all the ruffles and lace. At least they are in most of the romances I like to read (wink). I had the opportunity to read a new author this week that put me in mind of the Ackermann's writing style and these oh so properly attired genteel ladies of the Regency era; and how they just might go astray if presented with the right temptation. Larissa Lyons was gracious enough to send me a copy of a few of her books and I thoroughly enjoyed all of them; especially, her racy Regency romance titled "Lady Scandal". I could almost imagine this frisky romance had been written in Regency times and would have been one of "those" naughty novels that ladies of the time were not suppose to read. The type of scandalous novel that would cause young ladies to remove it from their roguish brother's rooms; to read and share with a close friend - just so they could see what all the fuss was about and in hopes of gaining a bit of information that no one else would give them regarding men and their "goods". (Guilty - I would have been one of those girls, I'm just too curious for my own good some times). Thanks Larissa, this was a fun read!!! If Historical Romance is not your thing, I can vouch for her contemporary Good Girl gets reformed Bad Boy short story "No Guts - No 'Gasms" - It's a Hot and Spicy "Quickie" for those who like their super sexy reads to be modern and edgy. As they say different strokes for different folks; personally if it's hot, racy and romance - I love it. ****************** Now for the real Regency ladies of Ackermann's 1816 kicked off Ackermann's 2nd series of the popular Regency magazine that lasted from January of 1816 till December of 1822 with a total of 14 volumes. There were some structural changes in the magazine as it evolved between the 1st and the 2nd series; but the Fashion plates were a staple of Ackermann's Repository through out the entire 20 years of publication. This is my top pick of the 1816 Fashions A bit about Ackermann's Ackermann's Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufacturers, Fashion and Politics. Yes, that was its full title; but it was commonly known as Ackermann's or Ackermann's Repository when spoken about to keep thing simple. Ackermann's was a popular monthly magazine in England from 1809 - 1829 (The 1829 issues were printed as "Ackermann's Repository of Fashion".) that listed a wide variety of current subject matters to entertain the masses of Regency England. There were political commentaries, poetry, short stories, current events, special exhibit information, stock and commerce reports and other interesting tidbits in its pages. Each issue also contained wonderful color illustrations showing fashions, home decor, public places of interest, architecture and a variety of items that would be of interest to their readers. My favorites are the Fashion Plates and there were usually 2 in each monthly issue. During the twenty year run of this monthly publication, Ackermann's made specially bound volumes available for those who were collecting the issues. These "bound" book versions consisted of a 2 volume set for each year it was published. There were a total of 3 series in that 20 year period. Series 1 began in Jan 1809 and ended with the Dec issue in 1815. Series 2 began in Jan 1816 and ended with the Dec issue in 1822. Series 3 began in Jan 1823 and ended with the final issue in Dec 1828 I've already posted all the Fashion plates from Series 1 in previous posts (they were all posted in July 2011) Ackermann's Series 2 Series 2 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1816 Series 2 - Vol 3 & 4 - 1817 Series 2 - Vol 5 & 6 - 1818 Series 2 - Vol 7 & 8 - 1819 Series 2 - Vol 9 & 10 - 1820 Series 2 - Vol 11 & 12 - 1821 Series 2 - Vol 13 & 14 - 1822 Today I am starting Series 2 by posting the fashion plates for the year 1816. Series 2 Vol 1 was Jan - June 1816 Series 2 Vol 2 was July - Dec 1816 Enjoy! Ackermann's Repository 1816 Fashion Plates 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - January Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - January Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - February Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - February Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - March Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - March Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - April Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - April Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - May Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - May Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - June Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 1 - June Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - July Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - July Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - August Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - August Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - September Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - September Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - October Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - October Issue 1816 - Ackermann's 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - November Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - December Issue 1816 - Ackermann's Repository Series2 Vol 2 - December Issue Ackermann's had so much success with the fashion plates in Series 1 that with series two they launched a much larger section devoted to fashion in the writings for the publication. Instead of giving just descriptions for each fashion plate listed they then gave current fashion trends for England and with the end of the Napoleonic wars with France on occasion French fashion trends were given as well. I thought it would be fun to include a bit of what it was like to read about what the fashion trends so you can see those below. This was the Fashion Section from the January Issue - 1816 It starts toward the bottom of page 57 with London Fashion then continues on with French Fashions; till it ends mid way on page 62 where the poetry section for the month begins. ********** I was most curious as to why all the fashion plates in Ackermann's referenced each as a "dress" rather than as a "gown". Some of my research showed that during this time period the word "gown" was a more intimate piece of apparel such as a dressing gown and would not have been widely used to refer to an elaborate evening dress until later in the Victorian age. So I accepted this as a viable possibility for why these plates were titled the way they were; especially since in the description of each plate, the dresses were also called dresses or frocks and very, very rarely listed as a gown. Then In Jan 2012, I received an informative comment from a viewer of my posts (see below in the comments section) stating that the naming on the plates such as Evening Dress or Ball Dress most likely referred to the entire ensemble rather than the main article of clothing being displayed. I have to concur that this seems the most appropriate explanation for the titles on each fashion plate. The Regency period had a fairly strict code of dress for each and every occasion therefore each plate would have depicted the correct form of "dress" for each occasion being represented such as how one would "dress" to attend the Opera or a Ball. Going forward whenever I see an antique fashion print I will mentally associate the word "dress" with the entire ensemble and for which occasion it would have been worn, just as a Regency lady would have done during that time period. It's so easy to think bluntly as we do in modern times and forget to read between the lines as they would have done in anther time. Thanks Adela for the bringing this to my attention. It puts a whole new spin on these plates for me now. ******************** I hope you have enjoyed this bit of time-travel back into 1816 Regency England. Till next time Thanks for visiting me here at If you have enjoyed seeing these images from Ackermann's Repository and would like the opportunity to see and read an original for yourself they are are available on line at Click HERE then choose the volume you are interested in. You can then see and read them online or download them to your computer for future reference. Enjoy!
Ackermann's Repository was a popular British publication of the Regency period and its monthly issues were in distribution from January 1809 till its final issue on December 1828. Fortunately for us, Ackermann's Repository was published by a printing house that specialized in producing bound volumes intended for reference and private libraries. Had this just been a fashion magazine, I believe many of the amazing plates would have vanished over time; however since this publication was a literary, economic, political, architectural,as well as a fashion publication; the pages of Ackermann's was treated as a reference item and several full collections of these bound volumes still exist today. (In 1829 Ackermann's had a fashion only publication - "Ackermann's Repository of Fashion".) Ackermann's was know in its day as one of the premier print shops and produced many illustrated book series and lithographs during it's time. From the beginning "The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics" as it was formally called was intended to be bound into books even though it was available as a monthly magazine as well. This is why you see the odd numbering system on the illustrated plates. At the end of each year, that years issues were available as a 2 volume set and could be purchased in a variety of binding options directly from Ackermann's or from several of the other binding houses or book sellers in London. A subscriber also had the option of having their individual issues custom bound to order. It's just so interesting how things were done 200 years ago. 1823 was the start of Series 3 When these were later bound into their 2 volume sets. Jan - Jun 1823 were part of Series 3 Volume 1 July - Dec 1823 were part of Series 3 Volume 2 1823 would have volumes 3&4 1824 would have volumes 5&6 and so on and so forth till the series was completed At the end of the 20 years of Ackermann's Repository there were 40 bound book volumes. According to the information I've found up to 1,000 bound volumes of Ackermann's Repository were sold per year. I've yet to find a number of how many issues of each magazine were sold per month; however it must have been a lucrative venture for it to have been published in both formats for a twenty year period of time. My pick of the 1823 Ackermann's Repository Fashions I have been posting all the lovely fashion plates from the pages of Ackermann's and continue now with Series 3 which ran from January 1823 - December 1828. These fashion would be considered late Regency and can be most easily identified by the more form fitting bodices, dropping waistlines and fuller skirt bottoms. Today I will be posting the fashions for 1823 and I hope you enjoy seeing them. This is what the cover page for Series 3 Vol 1 (Jan - June) 1823 looked like in the bound book form Ackermann's Repository 1823 Fashion Plates 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - January Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - January Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - February Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - February Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - March Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - March Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - April Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - April Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - May Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - May Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - June Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - June Issue This is what the cover page for Series 3 Vol 2 (July - Dec) 1823 looked like in the bound book form 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - July Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - July Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - August Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - August Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - September Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - September Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - October Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - October Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - November Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - November Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - December Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - December Issue ************* For those of you who want a bit more than to see the pretty fashions; here are the fashion descriptions from the November 1823 issue. I though I'd show this one since it included descriptions of the fashion plate showing hats. You will notice I left the pages intact and did not crop out the extra bits from the previous article that precedes the fashion articles; nor did I remove the beginning of the article that followed the fashions. This is so you can see how the articles ran one into the other and how they can jump from one topic to the next without the two being related. Here we have on page 305 the ending of a technology article followed by fashion then one about a new illustrated literary book soon to be available for sale by Ackermann's. Here at the bottom of the November fashions article we see an subtle advertisement for the new release of Ackermann's annual "The Forget Me Not". "The Forget Me Not" was another well known publication by Ackermann's. This "Literary Annual" was published around November of every year (just in time for the Christmas gift giving season) from 1822-1847 and targeted mainly the female marked. This new style of "annual" contained 12 engravings to represent each of the months and stories or poems to accompany each. It also contained a review of the previous year, the recent census, a family tree of the monarchy of Britain and a list of sovereign families and ambassadors for other kingdoms. This would have been a very safe gift for a gentleman to present a lady and in some years it sold up to 20,000 copies. It is believed that the bound version of Ackermann's only sold upwards to 1,000 copies per year; so this shows how popular "The Forget Me Not" was. ************* I hope you have enjoyed another trip through the Regency Fashions of Ackermann's Repository and that you join me again when I post the fashions for 1824. For your convenience here are some quick links to the earlier Regency fashions I've posted on my blog. Ackermann's ran series 1 from 1809 - 1815 Series 1 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1809 Series 1 - Vol 3 & 4 - 1810 Series 1 - Vol 5 & 6 - 1811 Series 1 - Vol 7 & 8 - 1812 Series 1 - Vol 9 & 10 - 1813 Series 1 - Vol 11 & 12 - 1814 Series 1 - Vol 13 & 14 - 1815 The Ladies of Ackermann's Regency Fashion (this is a fun digital art piece I did using many of the above ladies) Ackermann's ran series 2 from 1816 - 1822 Series 2 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1816 Series 2 - Vol 3 & 4 - 1817 Series 2 - Vol 5 & 6 - 1818 Series 2 - Vol 7 & 8 - 1819 Series 2 - Vol 9 & 10 - 1820 Series 2 - Vol 11 & 12 - 1821 Series 2 - Vol 13 & 14 - 1822 Regency Garden Party with a Roaring Rogue (this is a fun digital art piece I did using several Ackermann's Repository images from series 2 and one fun lion man from J.J. Grandville, who was another Regency period illustrator.) Ackermann's ran series 3 from 1823 - 1828 Series 3 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1823 Series 3 (1824-1828) still to be posted Till our next Regency adventure Thanks for visiting me here at If you have enjoyed seeing these images from Ackermann's Repository and would like the opportunity to see and read an original for yourself they are are available on line at Click HERE then choose the volume you are interested in. You can then see and read them online or download them to your computer for future reference. Enjoy!
Only for costumer order NOT READY TO WEAR this formal dress is recommended for your coronation, or for a court reception. Regency dress in ivory satin, covered with light geometric lace. the bottom of the skirt is embroidered with floral and geometric motifs. overcoat in deep blu silk taffeta, the sleeves are made of stripes of the same fabric. fully embroidered with cornely method and cropped applications. the long train makes this dress really special. light lace finishes the neckline. It can be realized in any size and color. It made entirely with artisan method. pay attention, before purchasing please contact me to check availability of fabric and processing time. Made in Italy, and remembers "Italians do it better"
Step into the opulent world of Regency Core with "A Bridgerton Ball: The Regency Core Room of Your Dreams with Ever Lasting." Inspired by the lavish aesthetics of the hit series Bridgerton, this blog delves into the timeless elegance of Regency design and how to infuse it seamlessly into a modern-day bedroom. From ornate furnishings to delicate florals and pastel hues, discover how to create a space that exudes romance, sophistication, and the whimsical charm of a bygone era, all while maintaining a contemporary flair. Join us on a journey to transform your bedroom into a haven of Regency-inspired enchantment that will transport you to the heart of Bridgerton's world. Let’s dive in!
Regency Era Fashion Plates - May 1815 Ackerman's Repository Fashions for Ladies Walking Dress - High dress, made in cambric muslin, with deep full flounces richly worked on French cambric; a deep falling frill round the neck; to correspond. Pelisse, open, with falling collar, composed of green sarsnet, lined throughout with sarsnet of straw colour; the bottom of the sleeve trimmed with a double frill of the same; a double border of corresponding coloured trimming laid on the cuff and round the pelisse. Bonnet of straw-coloured satin, edge and trimmed with green satin ribbon, and ornamented either with a cluster of flowers or a small plume of feathers. Sandals of green kid; gloves to correspond. Parasol of straw-coloured silk. Evening Dress - Pink satin frock, richly ornamented round the bottom with a deep border of garnet yewer, headed with a festoon of flowers; the body and sleeves trimmed with double rolls of white satin; a small border of flowers let in on the shoulder; a full plaiting of blond lace round the neck. Gloves white kid; shoes to correspond. The hair crossed, with full curls on the forehead and in the neck.
Regency Era Fashion Plates - March 1814 Ackerman's Repository Fashions for Ladies Evening Dress A white crape, or fine muline petticoat, worn over white satin, embroidered in silver lama round the bottom. A bodice of olive, or spring-green satin, ornamented with a silver stomacher. Short, full sleeve, and rounded bosom, trimmed with a full silver border to correspond. A fan frill of fluted lace, continued round the back, and terminating in front at the corner of the bosom. A silver fringe round the bottom of the waist. The hair in irregular curls in front, falling low on each side, drawn smoothly on the crown of the head, and brought in a small bunch of curls at the back. A bandeau of pearl, twisted round the curls behind. Necklace and cross of pearl ear-drops, and bracelets to correspond. Occasional scarf of white silk, richly embroidered in silver and coloured silks. Gloves of white kid. Slipps of green satin, with silver rosettes. Promenade or Carriage Costume A white cambric robe, with full long sleeves, unornamented at the feet. Deep doable Vandyke frill of lace, tied with a white cord and tassel at the throat; a deep Vandyke cuff of the same. The Austrian shawl cloak, composed of pale dove-coloured cloth, lined throughout with rose-coloured satin or sarsnet, trimmed entirely round with a broad, sable fur; a fancy cape or hood terminating in front of the bosom, and tied with a rose-coloured ribbon. A Circassian turban cap, composed of crimson velvet, ornamented with tufts of rose-coloured satin; a rich silk cord round the edge, terminated on one side with correspondent tassels. Hair in full curls on each side, much divided in front of the forehead. Half-boots of crimson velvet. Gloves of lemon-coloured kid, or pale tan colour.
Ein wunderschönes, auf Bestellung gefertigtes Regentschaftskleid Das Kleid ist aus Taft und verziert mit perlenbesetzter Spitze. Das Kleid wird auf Bestellung angefertigt und die Bearbeitungszeit beträgt 6 Wochen plus Versand (ca. 2 Wochen) Die Farbe des Tafts kann von der Abbildung leicht abweichen. Jedes Kostüm wird nach Kundenmaß genäht, es ist ein personalisiertes Produkt, daher kann ich keine Rücksendungen annehmen. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis.
If you want a big, over the top, detailed, insane dress, it's going to take time. A lot of time. And commitment. And deciding just what ...
I'm a big fan of Regency Romances; so naturally I have a thing for the fashions of this time period and was thrill to discover these 200 year old prints from the English publication Ackermann's Repository. I love the fact that I now have these great images as reference when I'm reading one of my novels. Now if I wonder what a half dress, morning dress or carriage costume looked like; I have these wonderful prints to give me a visual reference. I'm so thrilled with these images that I even changed my blog background here and on my other "My Fanciful Muse" blog using some of the fashion figures from Ackermann's pages. I'm already starting to create fun digital art using some of my favorites, so take a peek over on my "Muse" blog - for the grins and giggles of it. This is my favorite fashion plate from the 1813 Ackermann's Repository issue Description of plate 46 is for the Ball Dress shown above This is my 5th installment of fashion plates from Ackermann's Repository - Regency era magazine. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufacturers, Fashion and Politics. was a popular publications in England from 1809-1829. (The 1829 issues were printed as "Ackermann's Repository of Fashion".) I have found the articles and illustrations to be a fascinating glimpse into that time period. One of my favorite ongoing series in the magazine are the fashion plates. Each monthly issue usually included 2 Fashion plates, giving on average a total of 24 Fashion plates for the year. Though the magazine was published monthly; specially bound volumes were available from Ackermann's. These "bound" book versions, consisted of a 2 volume set for each year it was in publication. Ackermann's Repository "Bound" Series 1 ran from 1809 - 1815 with a total of 14 Volumes for Series 1 Series 1 Vol 1 was Jan - June 1809 Series 1 Vol 2 was July - Dec 1809 Series 1 Vol 3 was Jan - June 1810 Series 1 Vol 4 was July - Dec 1810 Series 1 Vol 5 was Jan - June 1811 Series 1 Vol 6 was July - Dec 1811 Series 1 Vol 7 was Jan - June 1812 Series 1 Vol 8 was July - Dec 1812 Series 1 Vol 9 was Jan - June 1813 Series 1 Vol 10 was July - Dec 1813 Series 1 Vol 11 was Jan - June 1814 Series 1 Vol 12 was July - Dec 1814 Series 1 Vol 13 was Jan - June 1815 Series 1 Vol 14 was July - Dec 1815 Today I will be posting the fashion plates for the year 1813. Series 1 Vol 9 was Jan - June 1813 Series 1 Vol 10 was July - Dec 1813 I hope you enjoy! Ackermann's Repository 1813 Fashion Plates 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - January Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - January Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - February Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - February Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - March Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - March Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - April Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - April Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - May Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - May Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - June Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 9 - June Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - July Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - July Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - August Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - August Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - September Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - September Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - October Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - October Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - November Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - November Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - December Issue 1813 - Ackermann's Repository Series1 Vol 10 - December Issue I hope you have enjoyed seeing another 24 ladies in high Regency fashion. I find it mind boggling that women dressed this way every day of their lives and how very different life was 200 years ago. In our hustle-bustle lives we make due with "off the rack" this and that and if we are luck it fits us and looks good. Back in the Regency time clothing was custom made to fit a person. You picked a style, color, fabric and trims to suit you and if you wanted this or that changed on the main style, that would be done too. Everything you would wear would be custom made to fit you perfectly; underwear, clothing, shoes, hats, reticules, hair accessories and even jewelry. This is the original 1813 Ball Dress So, if I were a lady of means in 1813 England and choosing a new garment at my favorite dressmakers establishment - I would choose this amazing ball gown. I know white was a popular dress color in this time period; however, I'm a girl who likes color - so I would request a color change. Here is the dress in a tranquil aqua Here is the dress in a nice soft blue Here is the dress in a pretty lilac I do enjoy playing with colors in Photoshop. It's fun to see how the look of a dress changes based on a different color or shade. Join me again next time when I post the Regency fashions of 1814. Thanks for visiting me here at If you have enjoyed seeing these images from Ackermann's Repository and would like the opportunity to see and read an original for yourself they are are available on line at Click HERE then choose the volume you are interested in. You can then see and read them online or download them to your computer for future reference. Enjoy!
Embrace Regency elegance! Discover 15 Mary Musgrove-inspired outfits, perfect for balls, strolls, and social calls. Find your perfect Regency style.
A Peacock Themed Regency Dress and Open Robe features a DIY costume made for under $10. It was worn to the D/FW Costumers Guild Picnic.
This past year at Costume College 2018 I had a great time in costume, not only at the evening events but also during the day, when I wore my green 1920s dress and my pink cotton Regency dress. They…
Dearest readers, Daphne Bridgerton may have reignited your curiosity in the matter, but Regency era aesthetics have long been the talk of town! While the recent revival of interest in Regency era fashion certainly has Netflix’s latest period drama to thank, Regency era fashion has captivated clothing connoisseurs for decades. Read on to learn about the variety of influences woven into the fabric of Regency era fashions, the most popular silhouettes of the day and the lasting impact of these most dashing and romantic designs. While Brigerton certainly caused a sartorial sensation, this author has much more to divulge when it comes to peeking inside the Regency era closet! Defining the Regency Era: Historically, the Regency period marks the years 1811 to 1820 in Great Britain. This period in the early 19th century reflects the regency of George IV, who was appointed to lead by the Regency Act of 1811 after his father George III relapsed into mental illness and could no longer serve his official duties. Despite the unhappy circumstances of George III’s decline, the Regency era was marked by a booming resurgence of society engagements and new levels of refinement and culture. Queen Charlotte, the Prince Regent and their dashing circle of close confidants all enjoyed a lavish lifestyle and polite society followed suit. Illustration from Life in London by Pierce Egan, plate 24, 1821 The era was defined by several changes in arts and culture. Architecture and furniture design flourished during the era. Romanticism blossomed during this time and musicians, artist, novelists and poets all created beautiful and inspired art in the Romantic movement. Key Regency figures include groundbreaking artists like J.M.W. Turner and John Constable, great poets including Lord Byron and John Keats, and, of course, the incomparable Jane Austen. Austen's chronicles of Regency-era romance captivated readers then and now, and no doubt offered immeasurable inspiration for the Brigerton stories filling our screens today. Empire Waist Woman's Dress, England, circa 1820 | LACMA While all of these developments made the Regency an era to remember, one of the most captivating aspects of the time was the revolutionary fashion. Regency period fashion perfectly blended classicism and romanticism, embracing simplicity, grace, and refinement. Regency clothing designs married exquisite details with timeless silhouettes, creating looks that simultaneously recalled neoclassical grace while adding flourishes of whimsy and texture. Regency Crystal And Ormolu Epergne | M.S. Rau Much like the fashions of the day, Regency style furnishings, such as this delightful epergne combined the influence of classical antiquity, as seen in the Egyptian sphinx details, with colorful contemporary flourishes like the scalloped cranberry-hued glass. To learn more about Regency Era furniture and design, read our blog on the topic! The Regency Era Fashion: A Melting Pot of Influences: Regency fashion was influenced by various factors, including political, social, and artistic movements. The Regency era marked a transition from the opulence of the Georgian era to a more refined and understated elegance. The revival of interest in classical art and literature, particularly the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, heavily influenced the aesthetic of Regency fashion. Wedding dress, about 1807, England. Museum no. T.12:1-2013. © Victoria & Albert Museum, London The French Revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic Wars led to a shift in fashion trends, as some women sought comfort and practicality. Concurrently, Napoleon’s wife, Empress Joséphine Bonaparte exerted a huge influence on French society and fashion that extended into the British empire. Together with Napoleon, the couple was instrumental in reinstating France’s place as the arbiter of style and luxury. As a patron of the arts, the Empress encouraged French artists and craftsmen to create masterpieces that evoked the opulence and rich embellishments of the classical era. Empress Joséphine revived the wearing of fancy necklaces and tiaras in aristocratic fashion and under her discerning eye, the jewelry created during this period enhanced feminine gentility whilst remaining elegant, geometric and stunning. Convertible Diamond Necklace, Bracelet and Tiara | M.S. Rau Handcrafted circa 1810-1820 in the style favored by Empress Joséphine, this extraordinary and one-of-a-kind convertible set can transform into a diamond necklace, bracelet and tiara. The set contains a conservative estimate of 95.00 carats of marvelous Old Mine-cut white diamonds that each display a kaleidoscope of dazzling vibrancy. All eleven of the rosettes of diamonds can be worn as a necklace, bracelet, or tiara by unscrewing the grouping from the original base. Only two comparable necklaces are known; one, owned by Empress Joséphine, resides in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian and the other was gifted by King George IV to his mistress Lady Conyngham, illustrating the French influence on British Regency era fashion. Regency Women’s Fashion: The Rise of Empire Silhouettes: One of the defining features of Regency era fashion for women was the empire silhouette. The most prominent fashion trend of the day, Regency style empire line dresses were high-waisted, with a raised waistline just below the bust. This style accentuated the natural body shape and allowed for freedom of movement. Delicate fabrics such as muslin and silk were favored. Though the silhouettes were classic and simple, designs were often adorned with intricate embroidery, lace, and ruffles. The raised waistline of the empire waist gown was countered by more daring necklines. Regency ladies sought to fill out the wide square necklines of these gowns with the aid of a variety of undergarments. This included a new variation of the corset that debuted around 1810 that was amusingly nicknamed the “Divorce Corset.” The garment featured a stiff panel that separated the breasts which was ideal for filling the empire gown’s low cut. Garments like these helped add to the overall feminine and romantic shape of the Regency era’s most popular style. A favorite of the fashionable Regency lady, empire waist dresses were at the center of this fashion revolution. Regency Men’s Fashion: Dandyism and Tailored Excellence: Court Suit. 1810-1820, England | Victoria & Albert Museum Regency men's fashion embraced dandyism, emphasizing elegance and attention to detail. Tailored coats with high collars, fitted waistcoats, and breeches were the key elements of men's attire. Elaborate cravats, intricately folded neckwear, and top hats were signature accessories. Beau Brummell, a prominent figure in Regency fashion, popularized the trend of meticulously tailored suits, setting the standards for men's fashion that endure to this day. Tail Coat, England, circa 1820 | LACMA The Regency Ballgown: Epitome of Grace and Style: Evening Dress, England, 1810 | Victoria and Albert Museum Back detail, evening ball gown. The Regency ball gown was the pinnacle of the era’s most ubiquitous fashion trend. These glorious dresses were the epitome of grace and style, symbolizing the elegance of the era. These gowns were characterized by their floor-length, flowing skirts, often embellished with delicate embroidery and trimmings. Gowns sometimes featured off-the-shoulder necklines, adding a touch of sensuality, while the high waistline created a flattering and ethereal silhouette. Some Regency ball gowns also featured ruching in the back, creating sinuous and rounded shapes that underscored the romantic femininity desired by fashionable ladies of the day. These gowns were worn by high class women for formal occasions and became the centerpiece of Regency fashion. Accessorizing the Regency Look: Bonnets, Gloves, and Beyond: To complete the Regency look, accessories played a crucial role. Women adorned their heads with bonnets, often decorated with ribbons, feathers, and flowers. Gloves were an essential accessory, worn both during the day and for evening events. Delicate parasols and fans added a touch of elegance while serving a practical purpose. Jewelry pieces, such as cameos, pearl necklaces, and intricate hair ornaments, complemented the overall aesthetic. To learn more about Regency period fashion jewels, explore out our blog covering Georgian and Regency jewelry. Regency men donned top hats and riding gloves along with elaborately tied cravats. As a nod to the dandyism of the day, gentleman often completed their fashionable attire with an elegant walking stick. Canes have long been carried as an accessory of distinction. To learn more about the history of these finely crafted walking sticks, check out our blog about collecting antique canes. The Influence of Regency Fashion on Modern Trends: A Timeless Legacy: Regency era fashion continues to inspire contemporary fashion designers and enthusiasts alike. Elements such as the empire silhouette, high waistlines, and delicate fabrics have found their way into modern fashion. Bridal gowns often draw inspiration from Regency fashion, with designers incorporating empire waistlines and ethereal fabrics. Regency-inspired fashion events and balls celebrate the enduring allure of this elegant era. Woman's Dress, England, circa 1818 | LACMA This Regency period empire waist gown from LACMA’s impressive costumes and textiles collection recalls many of the sunny fashions worn by Penelope Featherington in the popular Bridgerton show. The Regency era left an indelible mark on the world of fashion, captivating us with its timeless elegance and exquisite details. From the empire silhouettes, elaborate jewels, dandyism in men's fashion and stunning ball gown attire, the Regency period continues to influence and inspire. As we embrace the revival of Regency era fashion, we pay homage to an era that celebrated grace, refinement and a harmonious blend of classicism and romanticism.
À l’occasion du Salon du dessin, les arts graphiques seront princes en mars à Drouot. Après l’exposition collégiale Œuvres Choisies qui se tiendra du 18 au 26 mars, une dizaine de maisons consacreront une vente ou une section de vente au dessin entre le 27 et le 29 mars. Drouot est également partenaire de la 18e édition de Dessin au Quartier Drouot, qui se tiendra dans 14 galeries du Quartier Art Drouot, du 21 mars au 5 avril.
Just in time for the heat of the New Zealand summer, I've made a velvet winter bonnet.
Ackermann's Repository was a popular British publication of the Regency period and its monthly issues were in distribution from January 1809 till its final issue on December 1828. Fortunately for us, Ackermann's Repository was published by a printing house that specialized in producing bound volumes intended for reference and private libraries. Had this just been a fashion magazine, I believe many of the amazing plates would have vanished over time; however since this publication was a literary, economic, political, architectural,as well as a fashion publication; the pages of Ackermann's was treated as a reference item and several full collections of these bound volumes still exist today. (In 1829 Ackermann's had a fashion only publication - "Ackermann's Repository of Fashion".) Ackermann's was know in its day as one of the premier print shops and produced many illustrated book series and lithographs during it's time. From the beginning "The Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics" as it was formally called was intended to be bound into books even though it was available as a monthly magazine as well. This is why you see the odd numbering system on the illustrated plates. At the end of each year, that years issues were available as a 2 volume set and could be purchased in a variety of binding options directly from Ackermann's or from several of the other binding houses or book sellers in London. A subscriber also had the option of having their individual issues custom bound to order. It's just so interesting how things were done 200 years ago. 1823 was the start of Series 3 When these were later bound into their 2 volume sets. Jan - Jun 1823 were part of Series 3 Volume 1 July - Dec 1823 were part of Series 3 Volume 2 1823 would have volumes 3&4 1824 would have volumes 5&6 and so on and so forth till the series was completed At the end of the 20 years of Ackermann's Repository there were 40 bound book volumes. According to the information I've found up to 1,000 bound volumes of Ackermann's Repository were sold per year. I've yet to find a number of how many issues of each magazine were sold per month; however it must have been a lucrative venture for it to have been published in both formats for a twenty year period of time. My pick of the 1823 Ackermann's Repository Fashions I have been posting all the lovely fashion plates from the pages of Ackermann's and continue now with Series 3 which ran from January 1823 - December 1828. These fashion would be considered late Regency and can be most easily identified by the more form fitting bodices, dropping waistlines and fuller skirt bottoms. Today I will be posting the fashions for 1823 and I hope you enjoy seeing them. This is what the cover page for Series 3 Vol 1 (Jan - June) 1823 looked like in the bound book form Ackermann's Repository 1823 Fashion Plates 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - January Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - January Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - February Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - February Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - March Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - March Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - April Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - April Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - May Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - May Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - June Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 1 - June Issue This is what the cover page for Series 3 Vol 2 (July - Dec) 1823 looked like in the bound book form 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - July Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - July Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - August Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - August Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - September Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - September Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - October Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - October Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - November Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - November Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - December Issue 1823 - Ackermann's Repository Series 3 Vol 2 - December Issue ************* For those of you who want a bit more than to see the pretty fashions; here are the fashion descriptions from the November 1823 issue. I though I'd show this one since it included descriptions of the fashion plate showing hats. You will notice I left the pages intact and did not crop out the extra bits from the previous article that precedes the fashion articles; nor did I remove the beginning of the article that followed the fashions. This is so you can see how the articles ran one into the other and how they can jump from one topic to the next without the two being related. Here we have on page 305 the ending of a technology article followed by fashion then one about a new illustrated literary book soon to be available for sale by Ackermann's. Here at the bottom of the November fashions article we see an subtle advertisement for the new release of Ackermann's annual "The Forget Me Not". "The Forget Me Not" was another well known publication by Ackermann's. This "Literary Annual" was published around November of every year (just in time for the Christmas gift giving season) from 1822-1847 and targeted mainly the female marked. This new style of "annual" contained 12 engravings to represent each of the months and stories or poems to accompany each. It also contained a review of the previous year, the recent census, a family tree of the monarchy of Britain and a list of sovereign families and ambassadors for other kingdoms. This would have been a very safe gift for a gentleman to present a lady and in some years it sold up to 20,000 copies. It is believed that the bound version of Ackermann's only sold upwards to 1,000 copies per year; so this shows how popular "The Forget Me Not" was. ************* I hope you have enjoyed another trip through the Regency Fashions of Ackermann's Repository and that you join me again when I post the fashions for 1824. For your convenience here are some quick links to the earlier Regency fashions I've posted on my blog. Ackermann's ran series 1 from 1809 - 1815 Series 1 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1809 Series 1 - Vol 3 & 4 - 1810 Series 1 - Vol 5 & 6 - 1811 Series 1 - Vol 7 & 8 - 1812 Series 1 - Vol 9 & 10 - 1813 Series 1 - Vol 11 & 12 - 1814 Series 1 - Vol 13 & 14 - 1815 The Ladies of Ackermann's Regency Fashion (this is a fun digital art piece I did using many of the above ladies) Ackermann's ran series 2 from 1816 - 1822 Series 2 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1816 Series 2 - Vol 3 & 4 - 1817 Series 2 - Vol 5 & 6 - 1818 Series 2 - Vol 7 & 8 - 1819 Series 2 - Vol 9 & 10 - 1820 Series 2 - Vol 11 & 12 - 1821 Series 2 - Vol 13 & 14 - 1822 Regency Garden Party with a Roaring Rogue (this is a fun digital art piece I did using several Ackermann's Repository images from series 2 and one fun lion man from J.J. Grandville, who was another Regency period illustrator.) Ackermann's ran series 3 from 1823 - 1828 Series 3 - Vol 1 & 2 - 1823 Series 3 (1824-1828) still to be posted Till our next Regency adventure Thanks for visiting me here at If you have enjoyed seeing these images from Ackermann's Repository and would like the opportunity to see and read an original for yourself they are are available on line at Click HERE then choose the volume you are interested in. You can then see and read them online or download them to your computer for future reference. Enjoy!
Before deciding on the design of my new Regency gown I looked through hundreds of pictures for inspiration. Here are some of my favorite existing gowns. Enjoy.
So a while ago I was thinking about going to an event in Regency finery, wielding a katana, and basically being Lizzy Bennet in “Pride, Prejudice & Zombies.” I already had a Regency…
Regency crewelwork gowns feature bold wool embroidery on delicate and sheer fabrics. Featured is a holiday dinner dress with wool holly branches.
The dress is to be made on your measures. Please, check out the personalization box Made of 100% cotton velvet this dress is the best choice for the special events, like Jane Austen balls (based on her Pride and Prejeduce or Emma), Napoleonic events, thematic visiting opera house or the theater. Also it will suit to yours Bridgerton inspired outfit. This dress makes you very unique and eye-catching. The pattern is self drafted, but made with a high respect to the existing pieces of the Regency period. Deep burgundy velvet is decorated with light white sheer sleeves which is framed with gentle velvet stripes. The deep decollete has a string inside that makes the fit more adjustable. Dress measurements: Bust 91-96 cm / 35"- 37" Underbust 83-85 cm / 32" - 33" Upper arm circumference 28-31 cm / 11" - 12" Perfect for heigth 170-180 cm / 5.5 ft - 5.9 ft Costume copy of different materials and different colours is available. Please, ask me for details and do not hesitate putting questions about measures and sewing options.