What is the best notation app for me and my students? One of the most common questions I have […]
Explore our comprehensive collection of classroom resources, including classroom posters, engaging activities, classroom management techniques, and more. Enhance your teaching and inspire your students with these valuable insights.
MUSIC ED TECH TALK A podcast and blog exploring music, education, technology, and the intersections between them.
Explore our comprehensive collection of classroom resources, including classroom posters, engaging activities, classroom management techniques, and more. Enhance your teaching and inspire your students with these valuable insights.
Using the free web tool, Incredibox, in the classroom for technology projects. Great way to incorporate music into your curriculum! Will work on Chromebooks, laptops and computers. There is also an iPad app available for $3.99
The best music notation apps for iPad you can install in 2024.
Our FAVORITE, fun and educational apps, YouTube channels, and websites for kids. All the best online, kid resources gathered in one place for easy access.
Check out the Top 5 Music Teaching Apps that you will actually use in your classroom!
There are thousands of music learning apps available but how do you choose the best ones? Tim Topham has done the research and presents his top 3.
The iPad has become a fantastic, adaptable and almost indispensable tool for piano teachers. Here's my personal top 7 iPad apps for piano teaching.
Music apps for kids are a great way to get kids exploring and learning music in a creative way. This list of 20 music apps will keep your kids busy!
Today I’m sharing one of my favorite tools for introducing and reviewing music theory concepts to my piano students.
The 8 Most Popular iPads In Music Education Articles of 2014 In early January, I shared the list of my […]
Introduction In today’s post, technology and performance combine in a lesson plan based on one of the most simple (yet […]
Hey piano teachers: Want to switch to a practice app for your students? Here's how to make the change without causing a parent revolt.
What Are The Best Apps To Turn Your iPad Into A Digital Whiteboard? by TeachThought Staff Whether you're interested in remote teaching and learning, blended learning , the flipped classroom, or differentiating your classroom, technology is a necessity in most classrooms. Technology gives students direct access to content, which frees the teacher up for other roles. iPads function exceptionally well in this capacity, and one of their talents is to function as a digital whiteboard. Whether you want to lead an in-person class through the iPad screen, or you need remote access to eLearners or others in a school-to-school program, you've got options. Below are 8 apps (with various strengths and weaknesses--the only way to know if they truly fit your needs is to try them, unfortunately) that can help you blend and flip your classroom--or just give students more direct access to you, one another, and the content. 8 Of The Best Apps To Turn Your iPad Into A Digital Whiteboard 1. Explain Everything 2. Microsoft Whiteboard 3. Google Jamboard See What Is Google Jamboard? 4. Goodnotes 5 5. Doceri Price: Free to try, $4.99 for full version More information from developer: “Doceri allows me to present a lesson from anywhere in the classroom; a big plus when trying to manage 32+ middle school students. To actually see what I am writing and replay it while facing my students with my back to the board is amazing! I can work out equations ahead of time, or live in front of the students.” Anne Whitman, 7th-grade math teacher at Oakdale Jr. High in California 6. Educreations Interactive Whiteboard Price: Free More information from developer: "Educreations turns your iPad into a recordable whiteboard. Creating a great video tutorial is as simple as touching, tapping and talking. Explain a math formula. Create an animated lesson. Add commentary to your photos. Diagram a sports play. With voice recording, realistic digital ink, photos and text, and simple sharing through email, Facebook or Twitter, now you can broadcast your ideas from anywhere. 7. ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard Price: Free More information from developer: "Turn your iPad into your personal interactive whiteboard!ShowMe allows you to record voice-over whiteboard tutorials and share them online." 8. Jot! Price: Free More information from developer: "Jot! is a simple, fast whiteboard that lets you sketch out your ideas and share them in real-time. Draw, take notes, or wireframe on your iPad quickly and easily as soon as ideas come to you. Share your ideas via email or save them as photos. Collaborate in real-time over the internet with Live Sharing." 8 Of The Best Apps To Turn Your iPad Into A Digital Whiteboard
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Logic Pro is finally touch-friendly
Do you want to know what the BEST educational apps for teachers are? This ULTIMATE guide has reviews of the top 35 classroom apps.
Music App UI designed by Ronas IT | UI/UX Team. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.
5 Great Apps for Music Workstations- My students love these apps for composing, arranging and practicing rhythms and pitch names. Try them in your music classroom!
January 7, 2018 For those of you teaching music, the visual below is a good resource to keep handy. It features a number of interesting iPad apps to help you with the teaching of music. The list... ..
Record of the podcast designed by Geex Arts. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.
Digital Portfolios in Music Education Part 2A Updated September 2019 Welcome to the second part of a 3-part series about […]
There have been several apps that help practice and learn rhythm concepts the past few months. MyRhythm, from Gregory Burk, is an app that helps you practice your rhythmic skills, co-ordination, li…
Music theory apps for kids
Technology can sometimes complicate things but it can also make things much easier for everyone. I know that getting your learners to be creative and being creative yourself can be a challenge. As …
Tunesmith - Music Creation AI App designed by Lil Dicky for Odama. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.
This is a guest post by Katherine Miller and Alison Capelle. There is a difference between seeing the possibilities of […]