I’ve created an infographic showing the relationship between different scripts used in languages across the world.These 57 different scripts are all thought to have ultimately evolved from the hieroglyphs the Egyptians used over 5000 years ago. I have tried to display the relationships between scripts by showing how 4 symbols in Hieroglyphs,evolved into letters used […]
Partial tree of Indo-European languages. Branches are in order of first attestation; those to the left are Centum, those to the right are Satem. Languages in red are extinct. White labels indicate...
The 25-year-old creator of fictional, post-apocalyptic comic “Stand Still. Stay Silent” has created a visual tree grouping languages into different families…
Discover how to talk about your family in English with names, relationships, pictures. Boost your family conversations confidently!
Visit the post for more.
Unbeatable value! Every set in my store includes between 30 and 50 images to give you the best possible value for money! You can add these great value Clipart images to your digital craft stash, these beautiful pictures can be easily used for sublimation in coasters, mugs, apparel, invitations, Journals, wall art, digital planners and much more! Please note that the images are in PNG format and DON'T HAVE a transparent background. Images are always 4096 x 4096 pixels. I have created every piece of artwork and every set is totally exclusive to my store. I am constantly updating my store with new things, so you can always find something new and unique to add to your digital crafting projects. With digital downloads, you'll never have to worry about running out again. Simply download and print. Start building your collection today! ** Delivery ** Instant digital download! Once you make your purchase you will receive a link to download your file(s). ** Commercial License ** All images include a free commercial license. You may use purchased images as many times as you wish for your own personal use and/or on any products you sell, they can be altered or changed in any way you wish but you are legally NOT allowed to resell the unaltered digital files online or on media such as USB's or DVD's etc as this is not within the bounds of the included commercial license. You are permitted to store these images within the memory of digital cutting machines you own and you may also print out the images and sell the printed images online or at craft fairs etc. ** Thank You! ** Thank you for looking at my store, I know there are many, many options here on Etsy so if you have made a purchase thank you! It really means a lot to me, you are not only supporting a small business but also helping to make a dream come true. If you haven't seen something you love today please check back soon as I am adding new packs all the time. If you have any questions or requests for things you would like to see added to the store, you can contact me through Etsy, I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Best wishes, Antonio ** Printing ** If you intend on printing your images remember that all Screens and Printers will vary and there may be slight colour differences between what you see on your screen and what prints. ** Downloading Your Files ** I can’t find my download notification email First, check your spam or junk inbox. If you use Gmail, also check your Social and Promotions tabs. If it’s not there, adding transaction [!at] etsy.com to your address book or safe list can help you locate these emails in the future. For now, you can still access your digital purchases in your account. Where can I find my digital purchases in my account? To access your digital files from your account: Sign in to Etsy.com and go to Your account. Go to Purchases and reviews. Next to the order, select Download Files. This goes to the Downloads page for all the files attached to your order. You can also go back to the item’s listing page, where you should see an “Instant Download" message on the images for the item. There are no limits for when or how many times you can download a file. In most cases, you can access a file any time on your Purchases page, provided the transaction hasn't been cancelled or removed. If your payment is still processing, the Download Files button will be gray. Note: the images created in this set have been created using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
Creating a multigeneration family tree template thats printable allows you to visually map out your ancestry, making it easier for you to trace your lineage and share this rich history with others in your family.
The Following Materials are Included: 1 page of family tree poster. 8 pages of family members posters: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, and aunt. 4 pages of flashcards. You may cut them and use them to play matching game. 1 page of domino. You may cut them and use them to play domino game. 2 worksheets of reading family tree and answer the names of family members. 1 worksheet of true or false reading comprehension. 1 worksheet of reading family tree and answer the family members vocabulary. 1 worksheet of changing forms of certain words. 1 worksheet of reading passage and complete the family tree.
Canva Stammbaum Vorlage - 5 Generationen Diagramm. Ahnentafel zeigt 5 Generationen. Die handgezeichnete Karte zeigt einen üppigen Baum mit bunten Blumen. Es ist eine einzigartige und elegante Möglichkeit, Ihre Familiengeschichte zu präsentieren. Mach es zu deinem Eigenen Mit Canva ist das Personalisieren deiner Familienstammbaum Vorlage ganz einfach und kostenlos. Während das Hintergrunddesign fixiert ist und nicht bearbeitet werden kann, ist das Hinzufügen oder Bearbeiten von Text wie Namen, Daten und anderen Details mühelos möglich. Mit dieser einzigartigen, handdesignten Vorlage und Canva hast du die Werkzeuge, um einen atemberaubenden und individuellen Stammbaum zu erstellen, der die Geschichte deiner Familie wirklich einfängt. Und das alles zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten für eine Sonderanfertigung! Was du bekommst - Eine Blanko-Vorlage mit festem Design und verschiebbaren Textboxen, die du online in Canva bearbeitest und selbst ausdruckst. - Sie können eine zusätzliche leere PDF-Version dieser Vorlage ohne zusätzliche Kosten anfordern. Senden Sie mir entweder eine Nachricht oder fügen Sie sie beim Auschecken in die Notiz ein. Ein paar Einfache Schritte - Nach dem Kauf erhalten Sie eine PDF-Datei mit Anweisungen und einem Link zu Ihrer Stammbaum-Vorlage. - Ein Link zu Canva-Tutorials und Walk-Throughs sind im pdf enthalten. - Erstelle einen kostenlosen Canva-Account und eröffne deinen Stammbaum. - Fülle deinen fertigen Baum zum Drucken aus und lade ihn herunter. Drucken - Das Poster hat ein Druckformat von 2: 3 und wird als PDF exportiert. - Die empfohlene Druckgröße beträgt 60 x 40 cm und 76 x 50 cm. - Die Vorlage ist nicht für den Druck zu Hause optimiert, da die Namen zu klein sind, um sie auf (A4 & 11 x 8,5 Zoll) Papier zu lesen. - Die Farbe des physischen Drucks kann von der Online-Version abweichen. - Für einen professionellen Druck empfehle ich Prints of Love. Sie bieten hochwertige Drucke und einen hervorragenden Kundenservice. Wenn ihr meinen Link: https://printsoflove.com/ref/MORETHANABRANCH benutzt, erhaltet ihr kostenlosen Versand. "Verwenden Sie außerdem den Code ""MORETHANABRANCH10"" für 10% Rabatt auf Bestellungen ab 49 $." Geschenkideen Ein Stammbaum ist eine vielseitige Geschenkidee, die für verschiedene Anlässe wie Jubiläum, Babyparty, Hochzeit, Einweihungsparty und Geburtstagsfeier perfekt ist. Es ist auch ein tolles Geschenk für Papa, Mama, Opa und Oma. Die Stammbaum-Karte kann vielseitig verwendet werden, z.B. als gerahmte Wandkunst, T-Shirt, Cover für ein Forschungsjournal, Fotoalbum-Cover, Genealogie-Tasse, Poster, Postkarte oder als Einladung zu Familientreffen. Die Möglichkeiten sind endlos und machen es zu einem durchdachten und praktischen Geschenk, das für viele Jahre gepflegt werden kann. Fragen? Das Personalisieren deines Stammbaum Posters ist ein einfacher Prozess. Wenn Sie jedoch Fragen oder Probleme mit Ihrem Baum haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, sich an mich zu wenden. Ich helfe Ihnen gerne weiter, Ihre Zufriedenheit ist mir wichtig und ich möchte, dass Sie mit Ihrem Familienstammbaum-Poster rundum zufrieden sind. Alle Stammbäume sind von mir handgestaltet und daher einmalig bei More Etsy. Designs sind nur für Ihren persönlichen Gebrauch und dürfen nicht weiterverkauft werden. Du darfst dein Poster so oft drucken wie du möchtest. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Mock-Up-Fotos, die zur Präsentation des Stammbaum-Posters verwendet werden, lediglich ein Hilfsmittel zur Visualisierung sind und dass es nicht der tatsächlichen Druckgröße des Posters entspricht.
A graphical family tree of over 500 languages from around the world. This poster shows languages of the world organized linguistically. Languages are grouped into language families and subfamilies, and languages are accompanied by a native name of that language in its most common writing system. Includes: 450+ most spoken languages: English, (Egyptian) Arabic, Cantonese, Swahili, Javanese, and many others. 50+ other noteworthy languages: Navajo, Inuktitut, Hawaiian, American Sign Language, Yiddish, Warlpiri, and many others. 11 largest language families—Afro-Asiatic, Austronesian, Austro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Indo-European, Kra-Dai, Niger-Congo, Nilo-Saharan, Sino-Tibetan, Turkic, Uralic—with short linguistic description and an accompanying map showing each family’s distribution. Additional 15 families—Algic, Eskaleut, Iroquoian, Japonic, Khoe, Koreanic, Kx'a, Mayan, Mongolic, Na-Dene, Pama-Nyungan, Quechuan, Trans-New Guinea, Tupian, Tuu (Khoe, Kx'a, and Tuu together called "Khoisan")—organized and labeled by continent and with example languages. 4 miscellaneous groups—Creoles, Sign Languages, Other Families (including isolates and small language families), Constructed—with example languages. Width: 24’’ Height: 36’’
Explore the fascinating journey of Germanic languages, from their ancient roots to their global impact today.
This is a fun worksheet to introduce family member vocabulary to your EFL students.
Welcome to the quintessential vocabulary lesson of the year: Family! The above is a Family Tree chart that you’ll be able to read and understand afterward. I have it for download here. In Vie…
This customizable family tree template is a beautiful and modern way to showcase your family heritage. Displaying multiple generations, it features a minimalist design with color-coded family branches and clean typography. Ideal for family reunions, home decor, or a thoughtful gift, this template allows you to personalize each name, birth date, and family group. Delivered as a digital file, it's easy to edit and print at home or with a professional service. Celebrate your family legacy with this unique and elegant family tree design. Note: This is a digital product only—no physical item will be shipped. ✅ WHAT'S INCLUDED: • 18" x 24" Template Please note: If other sizes are needed please message me! 📄 HOW IT WORKS: • Add the item to your cart & check out. • Go to your purchases page on Etsy, download the attached PDF, click the link to access your template. • Edit your design in your browser on a desktop or laptop (Cava isn't recommended to be used on mobile devices). ✏️ WHAT YOU CAN EDIT: • Text: adjust font, color, size, placement, and more. • Photos: add images if needed. 🔒 WHAT CAN’T BE EDITED: • Graphic placement (due to copyright restrictions). • Some background colors. • Size and orientation of the document. 📂 DOWNLOAD OPTIONS: • PDF: Best for printing through online print services or local print shops—use the "show bleed" option for precise printing. • Home Printing: Download as a PDF with trim marks and bleed. • PNG/JPG: Download as a high-resolution file to send digitally via email, text, or social media. 🖨️ PRINTING OPTIONS: Print at home, at a local print shop (e.g., Staples or Office Depot), or through an online printing service. For home printing, be sure to select "Actual Size" or "100%" to avoid scaling issues. Use a paper trimmer or cutting mat for clean edges. For the best results, professional printing is recommended! ⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTES: • Colors may vary slightly due to monitor and printer differences. • This is a digital product—no physical items will be sent. • Due to the nature of digital products, no returns or exchanges are accepted. If you have any questions - before or after purchase, feel free to contact us!
Build your own family tree, made for big or small families! Write each relative’s name on a leaf and pin to tree to create your unique Family Tree. Includes 1 super thick 13” x 19” letterpress tree, 20 green leaves and 20 golf pins. Packaged in a clear sleeve.
Explore the fascinating world of language trees and their historical relationships between languages. Discover the visually stunning tree created by Minna Sundberg.