As the holiday season approaches, I find myself excited to bring the festive spirit into my home, especially in the kitchen. Decorating this central space not
🎄 Besonderes Weihnachtsgeschenk: Handgemachtes Süßes Lebkuchenmann-Kissen aus Stoff 🍪 Suchen Sie ein einzigartiges Weihnachtsgeschenk? Hier ist eine fantastische Option: unsere handgefertigten Lebkuchenmann-Kissen aus Stoff! Jeder ist sorgfältig entworfen und genäht und bietet eine persönliche Note für Ihre Lieben. 📸 Produktbild: Auf den Produktfotos ist das kleine Kissen zu sehen. ✨ Produktdetails: Farbe: Unsere Kissen fertigen wir aus senffarbenem Teddystoff. Farb-Optionen: Auf Wunsch stellen wir auch Lebkuchenmann-Kissen aus braunem Teddy-Stoff her. Sie können Ihre gewünschte Farbe angeben, indem Sie eine Notiz hinzufügen. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Produktfotos für eine bessere Ansicht der Farboptionen. Optionen: Lebkuchenmann Kissen Kleine Größe: 32 cm ( 12 Zoll ) Höhe x 29 cm ( 11 Zoll ) Breite Mittlere Größe: 39 cm ( 15 Zoll ) Höhe x 36 cm ( 14 Zoll ) Breite Benutzerdefinierte Anfragen: Wenn Sie bestimmte Größen- oder Farbwünsche haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns eine Nachricht zu senden. Augen und Mund: Die bezaubernden Gesichtsdetails auf dem Kissen sind aus Bouclestoff aufwändig vorbereitet. weiße Pom-Pom Buttons: Das Kissen ist mit weißen Pom-Pom Buttons verziert, für einen extra Hauch von Eleganz. 💌 Für Ihre Sonderwünsche senden Sie bitte eine Nachricht: Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Farbe oder ein bestimmtes Muster im Sinn haben, vergessen Sie nicht, bei Ihrer Bestellung eine Notiz anzugeben. Wir freuen uns, ein individuelles Kissen nur für Sie vorzubereiten. 🎁 Das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk: Unsere Lebkuchenmann-Kissen sind eine ideale Wahl, um Ihren Lieben eine Freude zu machen und ihnen ein warmes und besonderes Geschenk zu machen. Besonders wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Geschenkideen für Weihnachten sind, werden diese Kissen unvergessliche Erinnerungen für Ihre Lieben schaffen. 🌈 Bunt und Personalisiert: Jedes Kissen ist handgefertigt und einzigartig gefertigt. Sie können nach Ihren Wünschen für Farbe angepasst werden. Für weitere Informationen oder spezielle Anfragen zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns eine Nachricht zu senden. Klicken Sie jetzt auf die Schaltfläche „In den Warenkorb“, um ein unvergessliches Geschenk für Ihre Lieben vorzubereiten und zu verschenken! 🎁 und Sie können auch ein Lollipop Kissen von diesem Link bestellen 🔗 Erfahre mehr über diesen Artikel
ONLY PERSONAL USE ★ Permitted ★ You can use the illustrations for your personal projects ONLY ★ NOT allowed ★ *You may not use these files commercially *You can not resell the purchased graphics as your own * You can not Share, transfer, or redistribute this files in any other way on its own (even for free)
Feeling the chill in the air and the twinkle in your heart, but your outdoor space is still missing that festive magic? We've all been there, staring at a
Ever wonder why certain holiday decorations instantly make us feel at home? There’s something about traditional Christmas decorations that brings back memories of family gatherings, cozy nights by the fire, and the magic of childhood holidays. If you’re craving that nostalgic holiday vibe this season, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive
🌺ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Each item is made to order. Your order will be shipped out as soon as possible. Information on current processing times will be posted under this description. 🌺SIZE + DETAILS Boy - 32" x 20.3" Girl - 32" x 21.5" Each gingerbread includes hardware on backside. Rebar is included if selected. Each item is coated 3x front and back in outdoor spar urethane. It is recommended that you coat your sign every year. There is urethane offered at most local hardware stores in spray can version to make for easy application. It is recommended to remove in extreme temps. Keep in mind that wood has natural imperfections such as spots, knots or stripes. No two items will be exactly the same. Please do not hesitate to message through Etsy messaging if you have any questions. We hope that you will love your item. If for some reason there is an issue with your order upon receiving it, please send us a private message within 2 days of receiving your sign. Since the item is custom ordered, we do not accept refunds if the item was received as ordered. Thank you for your interest in our handmade items! Join our Facebook group @savvy365 for exclusive giveaways, discount codes, and inspiration!
These creative gingerbread houses will give you all the inspiration you need to create your best build yet!
Dimensions 6.0" L x 6.5" H x 4.4" W Weight 1.6 lbs. Color multi Material Resin Department Store UPC 197154321539 Location ID 43-TH11D
Create a charming gingerbread house tablescape with rustic accents, festive details, and cozy decor for the perfect holiday setting!
Happy Friday, my festive Festers! Ready to get your gingerbread house on? This project has had a lot of ups and downs since we last spoke. Or downs and ups, as things kept falling off, hehehe. That's the slightly unhinged chuckle of a woman who is one more mishap away from renting a flamethrower, btw. BUT WE MADE IT. And so far, knock on gingerbread, the Gingerbread House still stands. Our battlefield of candy carnage. So now that we've learned absolutely everything the hard way, let me show you all the things we did wrong last time, and our fixes that seem to be working. Btw, to the person who so sweetly commented last time that we "make it look so easy!" - this is for you: First let's jump in with some beauty shots, because I'm a desserts-first kinda gal: ::trumpet fanfare:: Eagle-eyed readers will spot the difference in these shots, but shhhh. We'll get to that. The house doesn't look too different from my last sneak peeks, but the icing trim on the roof line got a major upgrade. Originally we made the icing from plastic tablecloths, which was thinner, more translucent, and VERY wind-catchy: BEFORE It did stick well to the eaves, but the painted gumdrops softened in the sun and became too sticky. Then as the wind blew it around the sticky parts stuck to themselves, to the eaves, etc. So that all had to go. Me, yelling at the ground while neighbors walking their dogs gave us a wide berth: "You were WEAK! WEAK, I SAY!!!" So we re-made all the icing trim, exactly as before, except this time using rolls of white craft foam instead of tablecloths. This was vastly sturdier, much less flappy in the wind, and absorbed the paint beautifully, no sticky spots. I heat-sealed the foam with an iron before painting it, so it's slightly more resistant to water, and even submerged none of the paint runs. So then our only challenge was getting the blasted stuff to stick to the house. I'll spare you our winding road of trials and aggravation, and skip to the part where we discovered the Golden Ticket: Command Strips hot-glued to the craft foam. Y'all. Y'ALL. Learn from our pain, and use this combo. The Command Strips alone won't stick to the foam long-term, but the hot glue holds so well that the foam will rip before that strip lets go. How many times did John have to Spider-Man his way up to the eaves to repair drooping icing before we figured this out? TOO MANY TIMES. (I think 3-4.) Moving on to my next nemesis: THE GINGERBREAD MAN It turns out painted pink foam also resists anything sticking to it, including hot glue. So every time we checked in with our friends something else has fallen off: an eye, some of the trim, the whole dang cookie from the stick, etc. I will again spare you our various efforts and consternations, and skip to the solution: STAB THE COOKIE. ::wild eyes:: That is, get yourself a craft blade, and score the foam in an X patterns everywhere you want to glue things - under the eyes, buttons, and trim. Then use your hot glue. The cuts let the glue seep into the foam and get a good grip. The support stake itself needed something stronger, though, as the wind kept blowing the cookie off. So for that we used screws through the front of the cookie. If you can, put the screws under the gumdrop buttons to hide them. As it is, I had to patch & paint over our screw holes. NEXT! This next fail was the most heart-breaking: after a week my beloved wrapped candies lost all their color. Those pale pink ones up there used to be vivid purple. And here the blue faded to bright silver: At first I thought the sun had bleached them, but thanks to ClashCreativeHome (who's also making gingerbread things!) I learned it was the rain washing away the ink. So that's good to know: don't get foil cellophane wet! My solution was to replace the foil with plastic Dollar Tree tablecloths, and while they're not as shiny or sparkly, they're still pretty stinkin' cute. Plus we discovered they glow at night, since they're translucent! Imagine putting lights inside and making a string of giant candy lights. (Drat, now I want to do that.) Sorry I don't have a night shot of the candies; in the rush of repairs I forgot to take one. Here are some night shots of the house before replacing the candies, though: Our final challenge - because oh yes, there's more - was getting the two larger peppermint columns to stop falling over. We'd been relying on large command strips and hot glue, but those were no match for the wind. So we screwed a 2x4 into the house, then screwed the sides of each column to the 2X4. Now it's completely stable, and the single hole in the house stucco will be easy to patch later. Happily these shorter columns stayed up just fine, since they're wedged under the garage lights. All the repairs cut into my extra candy-making time, but here's one small addition: Giant Hershey's Kiss! I wanted to add mistletoe on top and a "Merry Kiss-Mas" on the sides, but ran out of time. Maybe later. The big kiss is a super easy Dollar Tree craft, btw: Pad out a DT kitchen funnel with tin foil, wrap it up, then print out a blue HERSHEY label to tape to the top. Cover the paper label with packing tape if it's going outside. Done! And THAT, my friends, is our School Of Hard Knocks crash course in building a giant gingerbread house to withstand the Florida weather. I'm sure we'll have more repairs in the weeks ahead, but I *think* everything is finally pretty stable and secure. Many thanks to our friends Ken & Sue for letting us decorate, slowly trash, repair, trash again, and repair again your home. Love y'all! Last few photos, pre-candy fading: You know that giant lollipop is the only thing we DIDN'T have to repair. Who's the sucker now? You are, lollipop. Gold stars. I'll leave you with a fun video surprise from Ken, who put together some awesome drone footage, check this out: Those end shots make me feel like I'm on Soarin'. LOVE IT. Also that's our friend Sue, Ken's wife, doing happy "Snow Angels" on the driveway, bahaha. If you missed them before, here's Part 1 and Part 2 of this gingerbread house build. Thanks for following along, and please let me know if you try any of these DIYs yourself - I'd love to see! ***** My Squeegineer winners for November are Tracy M,, Lisa S., & Carly P. Congrats, you three, and please check your inboxes for a message from John so you can choose your prizes. Everyone else, you can get a jump start on December by entering now! ***** Presenting my all-time favorite Christmas tee, which heck yes I've already been wearing for the last 3 weeks: Tree Rex T-Shirt The graphic is bright and cheery, it's super soft, and only costs $14! More colors and cuts for Men and Kids at the link. (Also check out the Epbot Amazon shop for lists of all my favorite things!)
Today we have load of fun ways to make your gingerbread house OVER the top!!! Wreaths, lights, houses, trees! Even people! So much fun! Gingerbread Trees Ice Cream Cone Gingerbread Trees Gingerbread Decorating Party Wreath for your