KOMMERZIELLE NUTZUNG Wir bieten Aquarelle, geometrische Cliparts - Globus, Kompass, Karten, Planeten. Unser Angebot umfasst eine Vielzahl von Grafiken, die sich perfekt zum Dekorieren von Karten, Einladungen, Postern, Kalendern, Tagebüchern, Junk Journals, Online Präsentationen und vielen weiteren Projekten eignen. *Dieser Download enthält 12 individuelle Cliparts. *Eigenschaften: Diese hochwertigen Clipart-Bilder sind im Aquarell-Stil. Wir bieten sie als JPG-Dateien mit weißem Hintergrund in einer Auflösung von 4096x4096 Pixel - 300 DPI an. Sowohl für den digitalen als auch für den gedruckten Gebrauch geeignet. Es ist erwähnenswert, dass es sich nicht um transparente PNG-Dateien handelt. *Verwendung: Unsere Clipart ist das perfekte Werkzeug zur Gestaltung von personalisierten Grußkarten, Bannern, Postern, Einladungen, Faltblättern und Lesezeichen. Sie sind perfekt zum Dekorieren von Tassen, Kalendern, Untersetzern, Stickern, Taschen, Sweatshirts und T-Shirts. Ihr könnt sie für's Scrapbooking und als Wandbilder benutzen, aber auch zum Dekorieren von Webseiten. *Lieferumfang: Dies ist ein sofortiger digitaler Download. Nach dem Kauf erhalten Sie eine E-Mail mit einem Link zum Herunterladen der Dateien. Du kannst gekaufte Dateien auch auf deiner Einkaufsseite herunterladen. Sie können die Dateien so oft herunterladen, wie Sie möchten. Sie erhalten die Dateien ohne Wasserzeichen. Dies ist ein digitales Produkt, daher werden keine physischen Produkte versendet. *Spielregeln für die Nutzung der Dateien: Sie können die Dateien für Ihren eigenen Gebrauch und auf allen von Ihnen verkauften Produkten verwenden. Es ist untersagt, unveränderte Dateien online, auf USB-Medien, DVDs oder ähnlichem weiterzuverkaufen. Aufgrund von Drucker- und Bildschirmunterschieden können geringfügige Farbabweichungen auftreten. *Vielen Dank für Ihren Kauf und Ihren Besuch in unserem Shop. Ihre Unterstützung hilft unserem kleinen Unternehmen zu wachsen und erlaubt uns, weiterhin das zu tun, was wir lieben. *Ich poste regelmäßig neue Grafiken, also schau bei mir vorbei. Vielleicht gefällt euch das neue Clipart-Bild.
National flags are rectangular cloths with patterns and symbols representing a particular country or group. They serve as symbols of a countrys history, culture, values, national pride, and identity..
Middle school geography doesn't have to be boring! Download these free printable geography task cards. World geography questions.
The map might not be the territory, but gosh darn it both aren't fascinating to look at! We’re pretty big fans of maps and we can’t wait to set our eyes on even more unusual and peculiar ones in order to expand our minds and feed our imaginations which are hungry for aesthetic designs. Luckily for us, there are tons of like-minded internet users who are nearly bursting with their love of maps.
Free printable layers of the earth diagram, worksheets, label worksheet, hands-on activities, nomenclature cards, and more! Free science worksheets, games, and printables.
Download this high-quality World map designed for educational use. Perfect for classrooms, homeschooling, or personal reference. Printable and up-to-date, featuring detailed boundaries and major cities.
A finely designed world globe with intricate details and geography. Classic spinning globe with metal stand that is more durable and great for office, study room, kid's bedroom, and classroom desktop decoration. It will also make a great gift for your relative and friends. Globe Diameter:14cm/5.52inch Base Diameter:11.5cm/4.53inch
Check out these cool geography apps that bring some techie fun to your child's education and make geography lessons more fun!
WILD FEATHER ART//EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Biomes card set Aquatic Tundra Forest Grassland Desert ***DIGITAL ONLY*** Please note that you are purchasing digital files only. All files are downloadable via your purchases. No printed copies or frames are included. For help with downloads on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/3949 ***PERSONAL USE ONLY/CLASSROOM USE*** Commercial use is not allowed Please do not reproduce, share or resell the artwork. Images may not be altered or used in any form. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy! x DISCLAIMER: Although, the author has made every effort to ensure that the information in this resource was correct at the time of publishing, the author does not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, injury, death, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. The author is providing these resources on an "as is" basis. The author does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this book is accurate, complete or current.
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Make learning geography fun and exciting while you teach it with games, activities and fun resources. World geography and US geography
There is a need for “good guys” to man up and show the way for the next generation. Young men need a narrative that they can connect with. They need role models and exemplars that can portray a positi
These interesting relief maps have been created by Anton Balazh with elements furnished by NASA. Western United States and Mexico Western Europe Buy
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Help your kids discover the amazing world we live on with these FREE Worksheets on the Seven Continents! There are tons of resources for many ages.
Embark on a creative journey around the world with our Map Globe Watercolor Clipart—a captivating digital collection designed to bring the beauty of global exploration to your projects! This set features 11 high-quality PNG files, each meticulously crafted in a charming watercolor style. Key Features: Global Watercolor Elegance: Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of watercolor with 11 quality PNG files, detailed showcasing and beautifully rendered map globes. Perfect for Scrapbooking: Elevate your scrapbooking projects with the intricate details and vibrant colors of these map globe clipart elements, adding a touch of worldly sophistication to your layouts. Digital Journal Delight: Enhance your digital journaling experience by incorporating these PNG files, creating visually stunning pages that evoke a sense of wanderlust and exploration. Commercial Use Approved: This versatile set is not only perfect for personal projects but is also commercial use-friendly, allowing you to infuse a global aesthetic into your products and creations. Seamless Digital Download: Enjoy the convenience of instant access to these high-quality images, facilitating a smooth integration into your digital and mix media projects. Mix Media Marvels: Perfect for mix media endeavors, these map globe cliparts open up a world of possibilities for creating unique and captivating artistic expressions. Whether you're a scrapbooking enthusiast, a digital journaling hobbyist, or a creator seeking global inspiration, this Map Globe Watercolor Clipart set is a must-have. Download now and embark on a visual adventure that transcends borders, bringing the beauty of the world to your fingertips! Ideal for adding a touch of wanderlust to your creations and capturing the spirit of exploration in every project.
Os mapas topográficos são aqueles que permitem a interpretação detalhada do relevo de uma região. Em um mapa topográfico, as informações devem ser precisas, permitindo conhecer, além da localização exata de áreas urbanas e agrícolas, de matas nativas, de vias de transporte, de mananciais de água e de áreas