Teaching basic concepts in speech therapy - critical to a student’s academic success, being able to comprehend, communicate, and read.
Basic Concepts If you are not yet familiar with what basic concepts are and why they are important, be sure to check out THIS BLOG POST. Below you will find 3 groups of basic concepts that are often targeted in speech therapy. Temporal Concepts Temporal concepts are those related to time: before, after, first, next, l
Building vocabulary skills are so important for my students. One area that always needs to be targeted is basic concepts. Everyday in school my students are expected to understand basic concepts, but they often struggle to be successful. My students have a great deal of trouble with the concepts of most, least, fewest and equal. We play a fishing game to work on that. As we fish we talk about who has the most, least or are the number of fish equal. We play this game frequently to reinforce these concepts. Click on the link below to get a copy of this free resource. Free Fishing Concept Game Every month we make a small basic concept book that is related to the season or a holiday. These books target next to, beside, between, in front, above, below, under, over, left and right. I use the pages that have concepts my students need to learn. The monthly repetition helps my students learn to understand and use these concepts. I can also add concepts as my students master them. Target basic concepts every month Play-Doh is one of my favorite toys to use in therapy. One last activity that I use with my students is basic concept Smash mats. They target whole, half, all, some, first, second, third, between, through, above, below, left, right, around, in, out and next to. I select mats that target the concepts each individual child needs to learn. Basic Concepts Seasonal Mats It is always exciting when my students start to learn their concepts. Click here to follow Speech Gems to hear about new products. Sign up for my newsletter below Subscribe to get our latest content by email. Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. Email Address Subscribe We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time. Powered by ConvertKit
Free BASIC CONCEPTS SAMPLER Free sample pages from basic concepts resources! Includes temporal, emotions, and prepositions concepts. No prep, print-and-go pages, or just open on your device! These pages are left open-ended for flexibility for what you want to target and how difficult you want it to be. The perfect addition to your speech therapy […]
Every interior designer should have a firm grasp of interior design concepts. But if you want to improve your home and make it a cozy and attractive place, you can apply these concepts too.
Discover 7 beginner drawing exercises to improve your drawing skill today! From hatching, lines to basic forms, see radical improvements!
Use play dough and play dough mats in speech therapy to work on a variety of language goals! Grab free play dough mats to use today!
Are you searching for ways to improve your studying? Bloom’s taxonomy will help you to make your studying more efficient and systematic.
Eu já publiquei alguns artigos sobre perspectiva aqui no blog. Espero que você tenha visto cada um deles. Como este tema é bastante visto a...
This checklist contains the most fundamental and salient basic concepts to address when targeting early-language! This simple to read, easy to use, functional means of collecting data and monitoring progress for your children or patients was created by reviewing all of the best evidence available.As...
⭐ FROG BASIC CONCEPTS FLASHCARDS Engage students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades with these fun, frog themed flashcards as you target basic concepts in speech therapy. Read the question on each card and then place a bingo chip on the correct answer or use a dry erase marker to circle the correct answer once the cards are laminated. Pom poms and mini erasers are also fun to put on the answers! ⭐ WHAT'S INCLUDED? ⭐ ► This packet includes 120 frog-themed colored flashcards targeting the following concepts: • Quantitative Concepts • Qualitative Concepts • Temporal Concepts • Spatial Concepts • Colors • Negation ► Packet contents include: • Pages 4-5: flashcards for big/little • Pages 6-7: flashcards for biggest/smallest • Pages 8-9: flashcards for same/different • Pages 10-11: flashcards for some/one/all • Pages 12-13: flashcards for more/less • Pages 14-15: flashcards for beside/below/above • Pages 16-17: flashcards for behind/in front • Pages 18-19: flashcards for first/second/third • Pages 20-21: flashcards for colors • Pages 22-23: flashcards for negation ⭐ ALSO BE SURE TO CHECK OUT… • Spring Basic Concepts Boom Cards: Negation Edition • Spring Basic Concepts Boom Cards: Big & Little Edition • Spring Spatial Concepts Boom Cards (Above, Below, Beside) • Basic Concepts: Spring Edition (Flashcards & Worksheets) • Frog Themed Past Tense Verbs ⭐ HELPFUL TIPS: ► I love reading your feedback! Visit “MY PURCHASES” to leave reviews and earn TPT points! For every dollar you spend, you will earn one credit that can be applied toward any of your future purchases. ► Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches. FOLLOW ME HERE to add me to your list of favorite teacher-authors! ⭐ LET'S CONNECT! ★ Instagram ★ Facebook ★ Pinterest ★ Email Thank you for taking time to check out my resources! --Jennifer ❤️
Speech therapy basic concepts activities round-up! Discover free and paid resources to download and use now.
Part 2 of cino art tips is some basic tips on shape and silhouette design which are also principles I think about a lot :) (also i'm so sorry i chose comic sans to write this in idk what i was...
Take your Poster design to the next level by using this Principles of Design Poster design template by Harry Reafor. Use this ready-to-use Poster design and start designing like a Pro.
Eu já publiquei alguns artigos sobre perspectiva aqui no blog. Espero que você tenha visto cada um deles. Como este tema é bastante visto a...
The Elementary Science workbook will teach basic science concepts to young learners in grades Preschool - 2nd grade. The goal of the book is to introduce young learners to an understanding of the world around them. Some of topics included in the book but not an inclusive list are: Landforms & Bodies of Water Classification of Living and Non-Living Things Animal Life Cycles The Five Senses Classification of Vertebrates Water Cycle Human Body Plant life and many more! You will find many basic concepts that children need to learn in the early years such as where does milk come from, what is magnetic, what is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable and so on! The book does not require any writing and only requires the child to draw lines, color and circle to do the workbook. This makes the book easy to complete for young students. We hope you enjoy this book. If you like this book please visit the author page to see other titles by the author.
Have you started using Science of Reading strategies in your French classroom? Or maybe you're thinking about doing so? Either way, there are some very basic concepts you might want to fully understand before diving deep in courses and books about SoR (and spending on resources that say they are SOR-aligned, but really aren't...) Think of this post as a primer into teaching French phonics, or if you prefer, French phonics 101!
Unleash Your Inner Geek with Spherical Sectioning! Dive into an exciting tutorial where you'll learn to master drawing sections on spheres and ellipsoids.
Confused about what direction you should make your brush strokes or drawing marks? Let's clear out the confusion with this cross-contour drawing exercise.
TMV’s Basic Concept Concept Bundle Practice functions as an engaging summer activity that helps children master the following concepts: Temporal: First, Next, Last First, Second, Third Before and After Beginning, Middle, End Spatial: In Front of and Behind On Top and On Bottom Over and Under In and On Closest to and Farthest from Qualitative Big or Little Separate or Together Quantitative All or None One or All More or Less/Fewer
The minimum basics and fundamentals you need to know, to improve when drawing objects from imagination, for concept art and product design.
We're always on the lookout for blooming designers who manage to create inspirational concepts and renders! Though these concepts may not always see the light o