As esculturas de Christopher David White obedecem à técnica trompe l'oeil (ilusão óptica), muitas vezes lembrando peças em...
Discover the intricate trompe l'oeil sculptures of Christopher David White. His ceramic works mimic wood, exploring humanity's relationship with nature through hyperrealistic details.
Christopher David White is a 40-year-old trompe l’oeil artist from Richmond, Virginia who creates whimsical handmade clay sculptures that appear to be made from things like rusted metal, dilapidated cardboard, and decaying wood — all with a level of detail that leaves onlookers absolutely br ...
L'arte iperrealista di Christopher David White. L'artista americano Christopher David White ha realizzato una serie di straordinarie sculture...
Galería de obras del escultor Christopher David White - Gallery of works of the sculptor Christopher David White
Christopher David White est un sculpteur mais aussi une espèce d'illusionniste qui réalise d'incroyables sculptures de céramique en imitation bois.
Christopher David White é um escultor de trompe l'oeil (técnica artística que cria uma ilusão…
O que os olhos veem nem sempre é o que se parece. Assim são as esculturas de Christopher David White, artista hiper-realista que cria incríveis obras feitas à mão em cerâmica e que imitam pedaços de madeira em decomposição.
Christopher David White is a sculptor, but he's also an illusionist of sorts. Take a look at his amazing creations to see what we mean. Then take a closer look. Because what looks like petrified wood is actually meticulously-rendered ceramic.
Christopher David White est un sculpteur mais aussi une espèce d'illusionniste qui réalise d'incroyables sculptures de céramique en imitation bois.
These stunning sculptures look like carved wood, but they're actually made of clay and ask us to question our relationship to nature.
Christopher David White is a unique sculpture, and when you take a look at the pictures before you will know
Discover the intricate trompe l'oeil sculptures of Christopher David White. His ceramic works mimic wood, exploring humanity's relationship with nature through hyperrealistic details.
Christopher David White est un sculpteur mais aussi une espèce d'illusionniste qui réalise d'incroyables sculptures de céramique en imitation bois.
Sculptor Christopher David White expertly tricks the eye with his surreal ceramic sculptures that look like decaying pieces of wood grain.
Sculptor Christopher David White is known for his ceramic creations that double as fantastic optical illusions. It's hard to believe the hyperrealistic