Looking for project based learning ideas for middle school or elementary school students? They will love planning a road trip from start to finish!
The great debate in gifted education is whether or not students should have gifted pullout services. Come find out the ins and outs of pullout services, and learn strategies to help you in the regular education classroom if you don't have gifted services.
With 6th grade ending, I am sure you are trying to find the perfect 6th grade graduation gifts. Guess what, your hunt is over!
Whether your gifted child prefers logic, word, or strategy you'll find plenty of options with this list of 100 Games for Gifted kids.
New Milford, NJ - DEO Students in grades six through eight who are enrolled in the G & T program displayed their projects at the middle school
These Easter classroom gifts for 6th grade students are the perfect way to spoil your students or your child's classmates.
Hi friends! I have been working hard all day on this blog post and I hope it helps you in your support of GT kiddos in your classroom! As t...
There is so much variation in the way Gifted students are served. Not only does it vary state-to-state, but it usually varies district-to-district. Today I want to talk about some of the most popular models for Gifted education so you can gain a better understanding of what they all mean, and the benefits of each …
Whether your gifted child prefers logic, word, or strategy you'll find plenty of options with this list of 100 Games for Gifted kids.
100 printable pages for sixth-grade students. This Gifted and Talented workbook helps kids to think outside the box as they decipher hidden messages, unscramble jumbled words, investigate geometric designs, compare and contrast, decode license plates, find the errors in a multiplication chart, analyze and describe, explore US and foreign postage stamps and coins. Kids explore quotations, villains and heroes, ASL fingerspelling, character development, taking selfies, discrimination and stereotypes, the President, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Native Americans, Spanish missions, rock-climbing, geometry, adjectives and nouns, wildlife, divergent thinking, critical thinking, the five senses, synonyms and antonyms, being homeless, compound words, word searches, writing prompts, jobs and careers, fears and phobias, violence, Martin Luther King Jr., St. Patrick’s Day, Veterans Day, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, and so much more. Answer key included. Take a look at the Thumbnails and Preview to see sample pages. And if you would like more GIFTED & TALENTED worksheets, then look at these packets: Gifted and Talented Activities - Third Grade Gifted and Talented Activities - Fourth Grade Gifted and Talented Activities - Fifth Grade Gifted and Talented Activities - Sixth Grade Gifted and Talented Activities - Seventh Grade Gifted and Talented Activities - Eighth Grade This packet is also available in a BUNDLE with lots of other activities for GATE students: Middle School BUNDLE.
Here it is, homeschool friends. Our 2019-20 (2020!? WHAT?!) gifted homeschool curriculum choices post for 3rd, 4th and 6th grade. Before I dive into favorite resources, exciting new curricula, game…
This is my first year teaching GATE kiddoes, and it has definitely been a learning process. Just because these kids can do most grade-specific tasks wonderfully, should they be praised just on their intelligence? Check out this eye-opening video: I try to keep this in mind as I am praising my students. Even when they answer a question, "wow, I can tell that you really thought about that answer". For the most part, my gifted kids are doing something completely different in the classroom. They have their own little cohort and I check in on them throughout their projects. I've finally gotten into the swing of it, but I am learning with every day. Why do I use project with these kids? Well for the most part... For the most part, I can teach a lesson to these types of kids once and then they're ready to move on to the next thing. By nature, we feel that the mini lesson is not the end all be all. We feel that for the most part of the class, we need to nurture their understanding of the material and drag it out elaborating on the summative assessments. Oh, not these kids. They are bored after the lesson and when you make them complete tasks that they know they can excel at, you're not helping anybody. It's time to extend their learning with activities that can push them to showcase their skill set. I am sure other GATE teachers structure their differentiation differently, but today I am focusing on the project side of it. In Texas, we call them the TEKS. These are the "things" we are required to teach. When I look at a lesson, I look at all the standards and think: How can I turn this into a project? When these kids are in charge of their learning, can PICK a topic, it lights a fire under them. For example: I just finished reviewing nonfiction. I looked at all the standards and created two types of projects. Why two? Well, you'll have two types of learners: introverts and extroverts. Here are the examples: In both of these projects, students are researching using various non fiction resources. During their research, I question them with specific questioning stems. I also facilitate them through their project process. I don't over help them, but sometimes these friends needs a little guidance so these big ideas can become an actual project! The brightest thinker in the world could care less what 'teacher deemed cool' project you created if if doesn't interest them. These students need a buy in with something they are passionate about. I should probably do this every month, but I have managed to have my gifted kids complete this questionnaire every grading people. They tell me what they are interest in, what books they've read recently, and any questions they have. This helps me gauge an understanding about what they like, and I can tailor their projects to lean in that direction. My class spent a week reviewing procedural text. My gifted kids did NOT need to review, and making them sit through the class would only bore them to the point they hated school. I utilized our wonderful library for examples of non-fiction text. I created a checklist for the kids to write and demonstrate their own procedural text! It was fabulous! That QR code in the picture above scanned to real-life examples of how-to demonstrations such as procedural text. One kid did a how to take care of a pet... He brought in a stuffed dog. Hilarious. To get this project: {CLICK HERE} I hope this was a Peppy Zesty idea for you!
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Podcasts in the classroom are so fun and engaging! Have you jumped on the podcast train yet?! I have a great system for using podcasts in the classroom...
The purpose of this unit is for students to have the opportunity to complete an independent study with teacher guidance and assistance in developing the research content and product. About this Product I developed this activity for a Gifted and Talented 7th and 8th grade independent study program. The independent study provides students with an opportunity to self-select and self-direct their independent learning project, with teacher support. Gifted students need guidance and teacher monitoring in the development of the content and product of an independent study program. This packet provides that support and guidance in the steps of brainstorming a unit of study, outlining the questions and goals of their unit, setting a timeline and steps for achieving their goals, and documenting their progress. ★Check it out!: This unit is included in the Gifted and Talented Middle Grades Unit Bundle at a discounted price! Included In this Product This zip file contains both an EDITABLE word version and secure pdf version of the product. Page 1: Student Packet Cover Page Page 2: About this Project Page 3-6: Selecting A Topic of Study Page 7-8: Planning Your Study/Asking Questions Page 9-10: Independent Learning Contract Page 11-14: Map Out Your Work Calendars Page 15: Gather Information and Develop Product Credits: Book graphics from Glitter Meets Glue Designs are only included in the cover graphic of this post ONLY. (Note that no graphics are included in the product due to the product containing an unsecured, editable format.) ***************************************************************************** Related Products: Gifted and Talented Unit - Logo Design Gifted and Talented Unit - Sneaker Economic Design and Marketing Gifted and Talented Unit - Fantasy Fiction Worlds Fanatics *****************************************************************************
In my last post, I mentioned the fact that gifted children have traits that can be awesome and amazing, but they also sometimes have characteristics that can be frustrating and even a little scary at times. There is a phenomenon seen frequently in the gifted population called Overexcitabililties (OEs). When I learned about OEs during my graduate coursework, I was truly fascinated by this information. Though you should be warned, I am a little nerdy and I DO buy what my husband refers to as "textbooks" (I prefer the term professional learning materials) for fun and read them in my free time. Nonetheless, I think you'll find this information interesting at least. OE History So, a while ago, there was a psychologist and psychiatrist from Poland named Kazimierz Dabrowski who came up with some theories about human development. Part of his work revolved around what he called "overexcitabilities," which, in the most basic sense, means that some people tend to experience the world with a heightened sense of awareness and that their brains react more strongly to these stimuli than your typical brain. The heightened awareness, sensitivity, and stronger reactions happen pretty regularly in people who have overexcitabilities, and OEs seem to occur more frequently among the gifted population (though not all gifted children have them) than your average folks. Most researchers believe that people are born with OEs, so it's important to learn how to help children cope with them as they arise. Quick things you should know about Overexcitabilities There are five overexcitabilities that Dabrowski identified: Psychomotor, Sensual, Emotional, Imaginational, and Intellectual People can have all five intensities, but usually, some are more pronounced than others There is no 'cure' for these intensities, so not only is it important to help children understand what they're experiencing, it's important to be patient with them as they learn to cope Overexcitabilities are REAL. There are strategies and interventions that people have developed over time to help people deal with their experiences and feelings Living with these intensities isn't always a bad thing! They can lead to success, creativity, and a greater appreciation of the world. Specifics about each OE If you're interested, you can learn more about each of Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities in my subsequent posts: Psychomotor Intensity Sensual Overexcitability Emotional Intensity Imaginational Overexcitability Intellectual Intensity There are TONS of other places you can find more information about OEs. The links below are just a few. Duke Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) has a great article here SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) has a more detailed look here Blogger/Presenter/Gifted Person and Professional Ian Byrd (of Byrdseed.com) has a straightforward and succinct post you can find on his site here Free OE Cheatsheet I put together a handout that covers all five intensities, as well as some strategies for helping children cope. You can find it in my library of free resources by clicking on the image below. *Just to be clear, by clicking to get the freebie (and instant access to the growing collection of free resources in my library of subscriber exclusives), you're also agreeing to be added to my email list, where I'll send occasional messages with fresh ideas, tips, and other resources straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe at any time.*
7th Grade SVG Digital Cut File & AI, EPS, PDF, PNG - For use with cutting machines or printing. - DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ✩✩ SOLD SEPERATELY ✩✩ ***************************** https://www.etsy.com/listing/1044831112/seventh-grade-svg-back-to-school-svg-7th https://www.etsy.com/listing/1058366757/elementary-school-svg-back-to-school-svg Easily upload the file into your software for use on any number of different projects. This is an original artwork by me. All copyrights apply. Please read entire description for any use limitations. Your file will be available for download moments after your payment clears. Simply download, edit (optional) & print! ✩✩ WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE ✩✩ ********************************* (Please make sure your machine supports one of these files.) - 1 zip folder with a AI, EPS, PDF, PNG, and SVG * This listing is for a DIGITAL COPY of this design. This means no physical product will be mailed to you. ✩✩ HOW TO ORDER ✩✩ *************************** ► Step 1: Add to your cart. ► Step 2: Check-out. ► Step 3: Once check-out is complete, hover over "Your Account" at the top right corner, then click "Purchases & Reviews". From here, you will be able to download your file. You will also receive an e-mail from Etsy where you can download your file by selecting the "View your Files on Etsy" button. *** IMPORTANT NOTE*** High quality files can be downloaded from a desktop or mobile browser only NOT THE ETSY APP (The app doesn't have that capability yet!) ✩✩ TERMS OF USE ✩✩ ************************* This file is for YOUR USE only. You may not forward, share, sell or distribute the files. COMMERCIAL USE: You may sell up to 200 PHYSICAL items with the purchase of each design. (You may NOT resell any of the files.) ~~~~ Thank you! ~~~~
Why is Project-Based Learning Important? As educators, we all know that having students passively learn facts and information and then regurgitating those facts for a test or quiz is not sufficient. It does not prepare our students for the real world. Instead, we need to allow our students opportunities to LEARN BY DOING. Project-based learning...
Kids will love this hands-on, STEAM educational activty using Free Printable Lego Challenge Cards to learn Famous Landmarks Around the World.
For the most part, reasoning, deducing, inferring, and critical thinking are not skills that come naturally to our students. Rather, they must be nurtured and developed. We want our students to become critical thinkers so they can reason and apply logic to solve novel problems throughout their lives. These skills will set them up to...
All too often, gifted and advanced learners are just accelerated, without fueling the creative thinking and problem solving that they are capable of. This book bursts with thrilling, mind-stretching enrichment activities designed to stimulate higher level thinking for gifted students in grades 5-12. Challenge the learners in your classroom to explore and evaluate assumptions they make about their world; conduct surveys about current, hot issues and analyze the results; or solve complex logic mysteries in small learning groups. These activities and lessons vary in length from one class period to several weeks, and have enough activities to be used all year.
New to gifted education? Read about the dos and don'ts of gifted education and how to best serve gifted learners.
For the most part, reasoning, deducing, inferring, and critical thinking are not skills that come naturally to our students. Rather, they must be nurtured and developed. We want our students to become critical thinkers so they can reason and apply logic to solve novel problems throughout their lives. These skills will set them up to...
Free Returns ✓ Free Shipping✓. 1pc Canvas Poster, Educational Art, Punctuation Poster, English Classroom Decoration, Secondary School Printing, High School English, English Grammar Poster, Ideal Gift For Hallway, Wall Art, Wall Decor, Autumn Decoration, Room Decoration, Unframed- Decorative Painting & Calligraphy at SHEIN.
The workshop model is a great way to differentiate your instruction for all learners in your classroom. This post focuses on workshop for gifted students.
The Importance of a Challenge for GT Science Students There are usually one or two…and sometimes a whole cluster! I love the GT kids. We must remember to make special considerations with them in the science classroom. While the gifted and talented student may be a “teacher’s helper” at times and lead their groups, it ... Read more
This is a guide about making a middle school survival kit. These snack laden bags make for a special gift for your child, as they leave lower or elementary school and prepare to start middle school in the fall.
Get your 5th Graders Ready for 6th Grade! I created this resource to prep my 5th graders with some 6th grade skills. I always teach 6th grade math skills after the state test to keep my students engaged and motivated. In addition, it helps give them a head start for 6th grade and builds their confidence. 4th grade teachers, get your kids ready for 5th grade by clicking here to check out the Get Ready for 5th Grade Mini Booklet. This resource does not teach the skills. This will need to be used in conjunction with teacher instruction. Here are the skills in this booklet: Ratios Making Equivalent Ratios Percent Percent of 100 Dividing Fractions Dividing Whole Numbers Decimal Operations Negative Numbers on a Number Line Algebraic Expressions Evaluating Expressions Solving for Variables Area of Triangles Area of Parallelograms Area of Irregular Polygons Volume Drawing 3-D Nets Identifying 3-D Nets Finding the Mean Measures of Central Tendency One buy suggests printing this way: Select "Print on both sides of paper", select "flip on short edge" as well. This way you will get a true book instead of having some pages upside down and others right side up.
Have you ever wondered if a gifted language arts curriculum could be a good fit for your homeschool even though your kids aren't necessarily gifted?
Here are more than 45 gift ideas for middle school girls. Perfect for your daughter, granddaughter or niece!
Download these FREE Depth and Complexity posters for your classroom. They are perfect for eliciting critical thinking and problem-solving.