If you are looking for comprehensive and kid-friendly no-prep 2nd grade language arts worksheets, you've come to the right place.
The list of 2nd grade writing prompts here can help children to express their feelings and reflect on their emotions.
If you'd love engaging, standards-aligned, printable AND digital centers for the full year... Here are over 140 literacy centers for 2nd grade just for you!
Hi Friends…. The past two weeks we have been working on Prefixes and Suffixes in our second-grade classroom! My kiddos were having such a good time brainstorming words with prefixes and then figuring out the meaning. They really had a strong grasp of the concept… I was pretty impressed. After our whole … Prefixes, Suffixes and a FREEBIE Just for YOU! Read More »
One of our Literacy Curriculum Downloads. Here is what you get! 10 Printable Choose the Correct Verb Worksheets. Prints a total of 10 pages. The worksheets were designed by Annette Sutherland, owner of Teach at Daycare in Arkansas City, KS. Please see our other great educational items in our store and thank you for visiting.
Chapter book read alouds for the elementary classroom. My 1st and 2nd grade kids love some of these read alouds. Come find your new favorite!
With these 2nd grade reading comprehension passages, you have 3 levels of the same title so differentiation and targeted instruction is easy! Free passages included.
This product is bundled with other 2nd grade common core I can reference tools here : 2nd Grade Common Core I Can Statements Bundle This kid friendly common core checklist is a 5 page resource that is a fun and very visual way for teachers, students and parents to see second grade common core I can statements. Includes all math and ELA common core standards in a condensed and student (and parent) friendly format. There are 2 pages of I can statements of math and 3 pages of I can statements for ELA standards that include all 2nd grade common core standards. These can be placed in data notebooks as a form of communication to students to allow them to see all they have learned and what is expected. They can use this as a checklist for 2nd grade common core standards to mark off mastery. This can also be provided to parents at conferences, with report cards, parent teacher conferences or open house to inform parents what their child is expected to learn. Included with the common core standards listed in each box and a second version with only the images and text in both black and white and color. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This resource contains all standards. You may also like: a simpler versions, with less standards but can be used to provide parents and students with a general overview of 2nd grade standards that can be found here: 2nd Grade Common Core Standard Overview or full page I can statements 2nd Grade Student Full Page I Can Statements and for science 2nd Grade NGSS I Can Statements •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• You may also like the other grade level common core standards visuals: •Kindergarten I Can Statements Student Guide •1st Grade I Can Statements Student Guide •3rd Grade I Can Statements Student Guides •4th Grade Common Core Student I Can Statements ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Aloha friends! Summer is flying by for me. I cannot believe it is already July!! I had a list a mile long of things I needed to do and I have barely made a dent. However, I have been enjoying myself a great deal, swimming, working out, catching up with friends and binge watching lots of Netflix!! One thing that I can cross off my list is finishing up my Grammar Centers for the Reading Wonders series. Actually all of my Wonders products are complete now!!! Each of these units covers the grammar skills that are covered in the Wonders units. They are great for Daily 5 word work rotations or small group activities. Each unit comes with activities that cover a skill and a practice sheet for reinforcement. Much more engaging than a workbook! Each also has a color and black and white version to make printing easier and more affordable. I also have Morning Work for each unit. These include practice for grammar, spelling and vocabulary for each unit. The skills begin simple and spiral through the year. My kids did so well with this format this year! Finally, I have Spelling Lists for each of the units that include printable lists for On-Level, Above Level and Approaching, vocabulary words and definitions, high-frequency words and sentences for spelling dictation. Spelling Unit 1 is free in my TpT shop to give you an idea of what's included in the other packs. It does not include everything that I added to the other units. I guess I should add that to my list ;) Hope your summer is progressing well and that these resources will come in handy down the line.
These no-prep 1st and 2nd grade writing prompts give students daily practice in a fun way to build independence and strong writing skills!
This set of reading centers for 2nd grade includes over forty activities to keep students highly engaged and practicing ELA standards!
Are you teaching kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, or 3rd grade? Here's how to differentiate your opinion writing lessons.
Teachers know how crucial second grade sight words are for students reading skills. Kids gotta learn them to read better. But making these words stick is a big challenge.
Okay teacher friend. It’s finally here. And I’m so excited! I’ve had this resource collecting dust on my computer for years now. I’ve been using this strategy in my classroom for the last few years, but haven’t had the energy or time (teacher life + mom life is exhausting, am I right?) to put it all together so that it’s ready to go for busy teachers like you! Well, it’s finally finished and I finally get to unveil it to you! Did you know I have a FREE downloadable reading response menu board that you can print now and use in your
Our favorite 2nd grade anchor charts for math, language arts, and beyond. You'll definitely want to use some of these in your classroom.
Learn about an easy routine for decoding multisyllabic words in 2nd grade text. Free tools included!
These worksheets for main idea and supporting details are a great way to build reading comprehension in young students. Grab the free sample.
Second Grade Language Arts First Semester 18 Weeks Workbook Free Printable 18 weeks of planned lessons for second graders! This one was taking a little longer than expected so I thought breaking it…
Personal Narrative Writing Prompts 2nd Grade are perfect for writing lessons, writing centers and writing assessments!
Teachers know, getting kids in second grade to learn sight words is key for their reading skills. Usual methods can get a bit dull. So, how to make it fun and effective, but without spending too much? A printable list of sight words could be a game changer, making practice easy and engaging at home or in class.We create easy-to-use printables for second grade sight words.
Supercharge your morning work with I Heart Literacy! Each page features a fun theme so your students will not only be practicing reading and ELA skills, but will also be learning about a curriculum-based topic. A wide variety of Common Core skills are addressed. Try these five free pages for free! Happy Teaching! Rachel Lynette ... Read More about Morning Work ELA and Reading Freebie!
Just found out you're teaching second grade! Here's a quick start guide!
WOW! 300,000+ Second grade worksheets, free printable games, and 2nd grade activities to make learning math, literacy, history, & science FUN!
Want to elevate your students' writings from the beginning. These brainstorming ideas can set your students up for better writings.
Grammar Day by Day is a great option for teachers who want quick, no prep options for daily grammar practice with 2nd grade students.
GRAMMAR UNIT 7: CONTRACTIONS It is time to teach contractions ! My students have come so far with their grammar skills in units 1-6. Our language has improved so much as we have been learning about nouns , adjectives , verbs , adverbs , capitalization , and punctuation .
Use these daily writing prompts for 2nd grade students as a fun way to get your class interested in writing and to help them develop their language skills.
Visualizing the text is such an important strategy used for building your students’ reading comprehension. It is very versatile as it can be used in different ways with students of all ages and reading levels. I
20 short stories included! (multiple-choice questions) Students can read these stories and then answer the multiple-choice questions. These are also great for stations. OTHER STORIES FOR COMPREHENSION: 10 Winter Comprehension Stories 10 "Spring" Comprehension Stories 5 Valentine's Day Comprehension Stories Key words: -Comprehension activities -Short story worksheets -Reading comprehension passages -Fictional stories for comprehension -Comprehension questions for short stories -Story comprehension activities -Printable short stories -Reading comprehension for elementary -Short story analysis worksheets -Literary comprehension exercises
Interactive Read Alouds allow us to teach a broad range of standards within one text. This month's read aloud lessons focus on the Key Ideas and Details and Craft and Structure standards in Literature for Second Grade. They cover answering questions using key details from the text, recounting the story, determining the central message, describing how characters respond to major events and challenges, and describing the overall structure of the story. The books were chosen based on the needs of students returning back to school. These books contain themes of bravery, inclusion, kindness, growth mindset, and names. Although each week's lessons cover a broad range of standards, there is a focus for assessment purposes on one specific standard. The first two weeks in this particular set do not end with a multiple choice assessment, just because it's the beginning of the school year. You could use the final task those weeks for a grade if needed. The read aloud lessons are designed to cover five days per text and include anchor charts, posters, daily lesson plans, assessing and advancing questions for partner talk and response to reading, printable sticky note questions, vocabulary, vocabulary instruction routine, daily independent tasks, crafts, mentor sentences, and DIGITAL Google Slides TM lessons for each week (these are AMAZING for distance learners and in your own classroom to guide your instruction). August Second Grade Interactive Read Aloud Lessons (Printable and Google Slides TM) This month's read aloud texts include: The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson The Bad Seed and The Good Egg by Jory John Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi If you do not want to buy all of these books at once, check with your school's or your community's library. I know that some of these titles can be priced a little higher at back to school time. Standards covered: RL 2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RL 2.2 Recount stories, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. Rl 2.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. RL 2.5 Describe the overall structure of a story, including how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. Here is a little set up of a focus board you might include in your classroom. I like to keep these displayed throughout the unit of study. The anchor chart can be printed as a poster on your own printer following the steps included in the resource. I have also included posters for the standards-based strategies or skills covered for the month. There is a lesson plan included for each of the five days of the week that contains a scripted mini-lesson, text dependent questions to ask during the reading aloud, a daily independent task in which students respond to the text, partner share, and an exit ticket. The sticky note questions can be placed inside your book, so that you are always prepared ahead of time. No need to worry about coming up with questions on the fly. They are organized by key ideas and details, craft and structure, and integration of knowledge ideas type questions. I like to turn the sticky notes sideways when I print, so that I can cut them apart and place on the pages that I want to stop and pose the question to students. At that point, they will discuss the question with their partner using accountable talk strategies. We then come back together to discuss responses. This ensures that everyone is engaged during your read aloud. Each story contains 3-4 vocabulary words from the text. I use this instructional routine to teach the words. In the digital component, I also include cards that contain the word, definition, sentence, and an illustration along with a simple task to complete each day. The anchor charts are based on the focus standard for the week. This one is to work on describing the overall structure of a story. You will want to create these with students. You can also use these with other texts throughout the year. Here is an example of the posters, all standards-based. Now let's take a look at the independent tasks that students will complete each day. They will need a journal for many of the tasks. Assessments for Each Kindness and The Name Jar are based on the focus standard and include four multiple choice questions and a short written response question. Each of the crafts and directed drawing included are standards based, so no need to worry about justifying why you are incorporating art into your lessons. Finally, I do include a mentor sentence for each week to review language standards while also tying into your text for the week. I print the large one for myself and students receive the individual words from the sentence. They put these in order in their journals. There space below for an illustration on both. You will then start identifying parts of the sentence and color coding them, such as color the nouns yellow and the verbs purple. The best part of the whole resource might be these digital Google Slides TM. I took the PowerPoints that I used in my classroom and converted them to Google Slides TM. This way, you can assign the slides needed to your virtual or distance learners and they can complete their responses to the task and submit back to your for feedback. Different schools have different expectations for virtual learning, so I tried to meet all of those. You might be doing recorded or live lessons, either way you can send this to students to complete individually on their own time or during your live lessons. They follow the exact structure of the lesson and even have fun embedded videos including the story. I do highly recommend, however, that you read the book to the students. That way you are developing that connection with them and are able to stop at certain points to discuss the provided questions. You can also clearly state your expectations for the students tasks. Even if you are doing in person learning this year, you can use these during your lesson. Just project them on your board to guide you through the different components of your lesson. You can take a look below at the digital lessons. I have included a video preview that explains them in more detail on the listing. These are also sold individually and in a digital only bundle. There is a free version of a first grade lesson HERE if you want to download that first to see if it would help you with your distance learning assignments. The goal of these was to make your life easier. It's so much to convert your lessons into digital right now with everything else going on. Thank you for reading and I hope these lessons benefit your students this year! I know they have been incredible for my my students in growing as readers, writers, and good citizens. :) August Second Grade Interactive Read Aloud Lessons (Printable and Google Slides TM)
For second-grade students looking to strengthen their understanding of main idea, worksheets can be a valuable tool. Designed to enhance comprehension skills, these worksheets provide targeted practice in identifying the central theme or topic of a passage or text. With engaging exercises and clear instructions, these worksheets offer a structured approach to help young learners grasp the concept of main idea and develop their reading and critical thinking abilities.
You students will love this free spelling game. It's a great way to have students practice spelling in an engaging way...