Creating Transformative Online Communities in Higher Education provides a practical approach for building authentic learning experiences into the design and delivery of online teaching and learning systems. Combining three conceptually related ideas--complexity theory, transformative learning, and the Community of Inquiry--this novel, highly applicable framework enables instructors to create compelling virtual learning experiences for students. As higher education faculty, instructional designers, and graduate students shift from presenting information to creating experiences, the book offers an evidence-based disruption of the current thinking on and practice of course design. | Author: Patrick R. Dempsey | Publisher: Routledge | Publication Date: June 29, 2021 | Number of Pages: 116 pages | Language: English | Binding: Hardcover | ISBN-10: 0367482703 | ISBN-13: 9780367482701
Caste-Based Discrimination in Higher Education prevents talented individuals from reaching their potential, leading to a loss for society.
Lesley University is a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lesley University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.
About the Book "The Heart of Higher Education" proposes an approach to teaching and learning that honors the whole human being--mind, heart, and spirit--an essential integration if we hope to address the complex issues of our time. Book Synopsis A call to advance integrative teaching and learning in higher education. From Parker Palmer, best-selling author of The Courage to Teach, and Arthur Zajonc, professor of physics at Amherst College and director of the academic program of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, comes this call to revisit the roots and reclaim the vision of higher education. The Heart of Higher Education proposes an approach to teaching and learning that honors the whole human being--mind, heart, and spirit--an essential integration if we hope to address the complex issues of our time. The book offers a rich interplay of analysis, theory, and proposals for action from two educators and writers who have contributed to developing the field of integrative education over the past few decades. Presents Parker Palmer's powerful response to critics of holistic learning and Arthur Zajonc's elucidation of the relationship between science, the humanities, and the contemplative traditions Explores ways to take steps toward making colleges and universities places that awaken the deepest potential in students, faculty, and staff Offers a practical approach to fostering renewal in higher education through collegiality and conversation The Heart of Higher Education is for all who are new to the field of holistic education, all who want to deepen their understanding of its challenges, and all who want to practice and promote this vital approach to teaching and learning on their campuses. From the Back Cover The Heart of Higher Education is an invitation to everyone who cares about the academy to revisit its roots and help reclaim its highest calling. Parker J. Palmer, best-selling author of The Courage to Teach and founder of the Center for Courage & Renewal, and Arthur Zajonc, professor of physics and director of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, advocate a holistic approach to teaching and learning that honors the whole human being--mind, heart, and spirit. The Heart of Higher Education offers a rich interplay of analysis, theory, and action options and models to help colleges and universities become places that awaken the deepest potential in students, faculty, and staff. The authors propose an approach to educational renewal grounded in collegiality and conversation. The Heart of Higher Education is for all who are new to the field of integrative education, all who want to deepen their understanding of its challenges and prospects, and all who want to practice and promote this vital approach to teaching and learning on their campuses. Review Quotes Palmer and Zajonc have issued a compelling call for change and renewal in higher education. They show us how colleges and universities can be transformed by taking a more integrated approach to teaching and learning that focuses on the inner lives of their students and faculty. " --Alexander and Helen Astin, Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA "At a moment when many are dreaming of an integrative form of higher education that unites intellectual rigor with compassion and love, Palmer and Zajonc invite us to engage in conversations designed to infuse the academy with meaning, purpose, and soul. For those who yearn to transform colleges and universities from sterile, vacuous spaces to places of hope, possibility, and respect for everything human, this is the book you have been waiting for." --Laura I. Rendón, professor of higher education, Iowa State University, and author, Sentipensante Pedagogy: Educating for Wholeness, Social Justice and Liberation "Parker Palmer and Arthur Zajonc call for a renewal of our commitment to inspiring deeper thinking and educating the whole person. This book should and will inspire debate about our larger purpose, about how we can go beyond the traditional silos in which we work for the sake of individual and institutional transformation." --Anthony Marx, president, College "What should be at the center of our teaching and our students' learning? Palmer and Zajonc take up this simple but daunting question and provide the most solid ground yet on which to hold a conversation about the heart of our enterprise. They reimagine higher education in a way commensurate with the magnitude of our problems and offer us practical paths toward implementation. Integrative education is the most important reformation of higher learning since the rise of the modern university. This book can help us achieve it." --Anthony Lising Antonio, associate professor of education and associate director, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research, Stanford University "[The book] strikes a welcome balance between theoretical claims and practical applications. I find [it] a worthy read for anyone interested in asking the deeper questions about what it means to educate an undergraduate. I encourage you to find the paragraphs that resonate most deeply with you, and to do the one thing the authors ask of us: have a meaningful conversation about higher education with a few colleagues. For, as they put it, 'renewal...will germinate first in the soil of these caring and collegial conversations.'" --Allison Gale, Departmental Teaching Fellow for Earth and Planetary Sciences, for The Bok Blog About the Author PARKER J. PALMER is a highly respected writer, teacher, and activist. His work speaks deeply to people in many walks of life, including education, medicine, religion, law, philanthropy, politics, and social change. Author of seven books, including the best sellers The Courage to Teach (now in its tenth anniversary edition), Let Your Life Speak, and A Hidden Wholeness, his work has been recognized with ten honorary doctorates and a number of national awards. Named one of the "most influential senior leaders" in higher education, he holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. ARTHUR ZAJONC is professor of physics at Amherst College and has been a Fulbright professor at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. He is the author of several books, including Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry: When Knowing Becomes Love and Catching the Light: The Entwined History of Light and Mind. He currently directs the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, which supports appropriate inclusion of contemplative methods in higher education. MEGAN SCRIBNER is an editor and writer who has worked with numerous foundations and educational organizations. She is coeditor of Teaching with Fire and Leading from Within and coauthor of The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection and Renewal. She serves as an advisor to the Fetzer Institute.
Student perceptions of academic integrity and exposure to unethical behaviors uncovered in our survey can guide colleges in educating about such issues and taking action to prevent cheating.
TS ICET Results 2023 Out: The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has announced the TS ICET Results 2023 Today,29 June 2023 at 3:30 P.M. The
L'ACCÈS SPIRITUEL IMPLIQUE UN CALENDRIER ET DES DIMENSIONS PLUS ÉLEVÉES. SI VOUS DISPOSEZ DU MATÉRIEL, DE L'ARGENT ET DES CONNEXIONS ET N'ÊTES PAS EN MESURE DE LES COORDONNER POUR TRAVAILLER RÉELLEMENT EN VOTRE NOM, IL PEUT Y AVOIR UN PROBLÈME D'ACCÈS SPIRITUEL. Souvent, les gens de haut niveau et de talent vivent cela sous la forme d'être aveuglés et aveuglés. LES BLOCAGES SONT DES OBSTRUCTIONS RÉPÉTITIVES QUI FINISSENT CRÉER LA PLACE, AVEC DES CONFRONTATIONS COHÉRENTES, MAIS ILS RETOURNENT TOUJOURS POUR FERMER CES PORTAILS À NOUVEAU. L'ACCÈS SPIRITUEL EXISTE EN TANT QUE GOUVERNANCE SUPÉRIEURE. VOUS POUVEZ SEMER RITUAL ICI POUR QUE L'ACCÈS SPIRITUEL FONCTIONNE POUR VOUS. C'EST UNE ENTITÉ SÉPARÉE IMPLIQUÉE. CE RITUEL ORGANISERA LE CONTENU DU RITUEL POUR VOUS, MAIS ÇA PRENDRA AUSSI DU TEMPS. C'EST UNE BONNE IDÉE D'AVOIR CE PRODUIT SUR MON AUTEL LORSQUE LES CIRCONSTANCES CHANGENT RAPIDEMENT. CHAQUE RITUEL D'ACCÈS SPIRITUEL EST AXÉ SUR UN OBJECTIF ET LE SUCCÈS. IL NE FOURNIRA AUCUN ACCÈS SPIRITUEL À RIEN D'AUTRE, SAUF À UN DOMAINE D'INTÉRÊT PARTICULIER. #### Embarquez pour un voyage de découverte de soi avec le « Rituel de la destinée spirituelle ». Ce rituel enchanteur vous permettra de percer les mystères de vos vies passées et de plonger dans les profondeurs de votre essence spirituelle. Préparez-vous à être subjugué par ce rituel qui vous amènera vers un monde de révélations profondes et de vérités cachées. Dès l'instant où vous adopterez ce rituel, vous ressentirez une connexion indéniable avec votre moi intérieur. Sa conception complexe tisse méticuleusement diverses initiations spirituelles, y compris l'imitation, la familiarité, l'hypnose et la mise en miroir. Au fur et à mesure que vous traverserez ces couches en cascade, une nouvelle conscience enveloppera votre être, dévoilant les secrets qui sommeillent en vous. Pour ceux qui marchent sur la voie chamanique ou qui recherchent l'induction psychique, le rituel de la destinée spirituelle offre une clarté inégalée. Il ouvre la voie au déchiffrement des lectures et des messages intuitifs, vous permettant d'exploiter vos capacités psychiques uniques. De plus, ce rituel extraordinaire comporte un aspect « d'idées saines », fournissant une boussole pour naviguer dans les domaines complexes du bien et du mal au sein du tissu multidimensionnel de l'existence. À chaque étape de cette odyssée métaphysique, vous tisserez progressivement un lien indestructible entre votre corps, esprit et esprit. Le rituel de la destinée spirituelle sert de conduit, vous permettant d'acquérir une compréhension plus profonde de votre paysage intérieur, la tapisserie complexe d'émotions, de pensées et d'énergies qui façonnent votre être même.Osez vous lancer dans cette extraordinaire aventure de l'âme et déverrouillez le porte à votre destinée spirituelle. Le voyage vous attend et le rituel de la destinée spirituelle est la clé qui vous guidera vers la réalisation de soi et l'éveil profonds. - PsychicUnderLord, Etsy Il s'agit d'un rituel de divination spirituel d'un an. Téléchargez vos talismans de focalisation rituelle et concentrez-vous sur la photo. Cela renforcera le rituel intérieur, le rendant plus rapide et plus efficace. Ces talismans de focalisation rituelle renforceront TOUS vos rituels divinatoires de ma boutique, en même temps. Concentrez simplement vos yeux sur l'image et observez les changements dans votre corps et votre esprit. Les SPIRIT COMPANION PHOTOS fonctionnent de la MÊME FAÇON, en se concentrant sur l'image et en communiquant avec l'entité. NOTIFICATION RITUEL Lorsque le rituel commencera, vous sentirez l'arôme de cet article et votre demande [ humez ici ]. Une fois l'opération terminée, vous sentirez le même arôme sur votre corps pendant 5 heures d'affilée pour vous rappeler que cela a fonctionné. N'hésitez pas à laisser un avis également.
Developing the Whole Person: A Practitioner's Tale of Counseling, College, and the American Promise explores the achievements and difficulties of postwar counseling psychologists in advancing a whole person development model for American higher education. | Author: Tom McCarthy | Publisher: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers | Publication Date: Oct 29, 2018 | Number of Pages: 358 pages | Language: English | Binding: Hardcover/Education | ISBN-10: 1433151634 | ISBN-13: 9781433151637
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Originally published in 1998, American Education and Corporations, provides a detailed study of the effects of commercialisation on the public school system. The book provides a powerful indictment of corporate culture and its influence on American public schooling, within a clear theoretical framework. The book looks at the threat of corporate culture to public education and advocates an understanding of the democratic importance of schooling as a public good. | Author: Deron Boyles | Publisher: Routledge | Publication Date: April 29, 2020 | Number of Pages: 236 pages | Language: English | Binding: Paperback | ISBN-10: 1138313572 | ISBN-13: 9781138313576
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This guide gives realistic, reassuring support for the complexities and challenges you face when undertaking a part-time doctorate while working full-time in higher education. | Author: Merryl Harvey, Barbara Howard-Hunt | Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd | Publication Date: 29-Sep-21 | Number of Pages: 160 pages | Language: English | Binding: Hardcover | ISBN-10: 1526499126 | ISBN-13: 9781526499127
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Until 2015, no refugees in Malaysia were able to access higher education, and they were unable to attend government schooling. Since then, six private higher education institutions have agreed to open their doors to refugees for the first time. This book contains stories from this small group of successful refugees, who have managed to receive higher education in a country that neither recognizes that they exist nor offers them even basic education. It identifies the factors that aided their success, and charts the challenges that they and their communities have faced. The authors present each story, based on interviews, within the context of the individual's background and nation of origin. These stories are framed by a discussion of the situation that refugees face in accessing education globally, explaining how these stories and the methodologies used for this study are universal. | Author: Lucy Bailey | Publisher: Routledge | Publication Date: May 09, 2020 | Number of Pages: 196 pages | Language: English | Binding: Paperback | ISBN-10: 0367484439 | ISBN-13: 9780367484439
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About the Book First Amendment expert Lukianoff and social psychologist Haidt discuss the social trends stretching back to the 1980s that have produced the confusion and conflict on campus today during a time of rising political polarization. Book Synopsis New York Times Bestseller - Finalist for the 2018 National Book Critics Circle Award in Nonfiction - A New York Times Notable Book - Bloomberg Best Book of 2018 - One of Bill Gates's Top Five Books of All Time "Their distinctive contribution to the higher-education debate is to meet safetyism on its own, psychological turf . . . Lukianoff and Haidt tell us that safetyism undermines the freedom of inquiry and speech that are indispensable to universities." --Jonathan Marks, Commentary "The remedies the book outlines should be considered on college campuses, among parents of current and future students, and by anyone longing for a more sane society." --Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Something has been going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Speakers are shouted down. Students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and are afraid to speak honestly. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising--on campus as well as nationally. How did this happen? First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, author of The Anxious Generation, show how the new problems on campus have their origins in three terrible ideas that have become increasingly woven into American childhood and education: What doesn't kill you makes you weaker; always trust your feelings; and life is a battle between good people and evil people. These three Great Untruths contradict basic psychological principles about well-being and ancient wisdom from many cultures. Embracing these untruths--and the resulting culture of safetyism--interferes with young people's social, emotional, and intellectual development. It makes it harder for them to become autonomous adults who are able to navigate the bumpy road of life. Lukianoff and Haidt investigate the many social trends that have intersected to promote the spread of these untruths. They explore changes in childhood such as the rise of fearful parenting, the decline of unsupervised, child-directed play, and the new world of social media that has engulfed teenagers in the last decade. They examine changes on campus, including the corporatization of universities and the emergence of new ideas about identity and justice. They situate the conflicts on campus within the context of America's rapidly rising political polarization and dysfunction. This is a book for anyone who is confused by what is happening on college campuses today, or has children, or is concerned about the growing inability of Americans to live, work, and cooperate across party lines. Review Quotes "A disturbing and comprehensive analysis of recent campus trends . . . Lukianoff and Haidt notice something unprecedented and frightening . . . The consequences of a generation unable or disinclined to engage with ideas that make them uncomfortable are dire for society, and open the door--accessible from both the left and the right--to various forms of authoritarianism." --Thomas Chatterton Williams, The New York Times Book Review (cover review and Editors' Choice selection) "So how do you create 'wiser kids'? Get them off their screens. Argue with them. Get them out of their narrow worlds of family, school and university. Boot them out for a challenging Gap year. It all makes perfect sense . . . the cure seems a glorious revelation." --Philip Delves Broughton, Evening Standard "The authors, both of whom are liberal academics--almost a tautology on today's campuses--do a great job of showing how 'safetyism' is cramping young minds. Students are treated like candles, which can be extinguished by a puff of wind. The goal of a Socratic education should be to turn them into fires, which thrive on the wind. Instead, they are sheltered from anything that could cause offence . . . Their advice is sound. Their book is excellent. Liberal parents, in particular, should read it."-- Edward Luce, Financial Times "Their distinctive contribution to the higher-education debate is to meet safetyism on its own, psychological turf . . . Lukianoff and Haidt tell us that safetyism undermines the freedom of inquiry and speech that are indispensable to universities." --Jonathan Marks, Commentary "The remedies the book outlines should be considered on college campuses, among parents of current and future students, and by anyone longing for a more sane society." --Pittsburgh Post-Gazette "Perhaps the strongest argument in Haidt and Lukianoff's favour, though, is this: if you see this issue as being about little more than a few sanctimonious teenagers throwing hissy fits on campus then, yes, it is probably receiving too much attention. But if you accept their premise, that it's really a story about mental wellbeing and emotional fragility, about a generation acting out because it has been set up to fail by bad parenting and poorly designed institutions, then their message is an urgent one. And it is one that resonates well beyond dusty libraries and manicured quadrangles, into all of our lives." --Josh Glancy, The Sunday Times (UK) "Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff's new book, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure, persuasively unpacks the causes of the current predicament on campus - which they link to wider parenting, cultural and political trends . . . The Coddling of the American Mind is both an enlightening but disquieting read. We have a lot of challenges in front of us." --Quillette, Matthew Lesh "The authors remind us of some of the campus happenings that, since 2015, have afrighted old liberals like me . . . In the end [despite some objections] I agreed with Messrs Lukianoff and Haidt that protecting kids has gone too far, and that some campus behaviour is absurd and worrying." --David Aaronovitch, The Times (UK) "The speed with which campus life has changed for the worse is one of the most important points made by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt in this important if disturbing book." --Niall Ferguson, Sunday Times "Rising intolerance for opposing viewpoints is a challenge not only on college campuses but also in our national political discourse. The future of our democracy requires us to understand what's happening and why--so that we can find solutions and take action. Reading The Coddling of the American Mind is a great place to start." --Michael Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg LP & Bloomberg Philanthropies, and 108th Mayor of New York City "Our behavior in society is not immune to the power of rational scientific analysis. Through that lens, prepare yourself for a candid look at the softening of America, and what we can do about it." --Neil DeGrasse Tyson, director, Hayden Planetarium, and author of Astrophysics for People in a Hurry "Lukianoff and Haidt explain the phenomenon of "helicopter parenting" and its dangers--how overprotection amplifies children's fears and makes them less likely to become adults who can manage their own lives. Children must be challenged and exposed to stressors--including different perspectives--in order to thrive." --Susan McDaniel, University of Rochester, former President of the American Psychological Association "An important examination of dismaying social and cultural trends." --Kirkus Reviews"I lament the title of this book, as it may alienate the very people who need to engage with its arguments and obscures its message of inclusion. Equal parts mental health manual, parenting guide, sociological study, and political manifesto, it points to a positive way forward of hope, health, and humanism. I only wish I had read it when I was still a professor and a much younger mother." --Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New America, and author of Unfinished Business "A compelling and timely argument against attitudes and practices that, however well-intended, are damaging our universities, harming our children and leaving an entire generation intellectually and emotionally ill-prepared for an ever-more fraught and complex world. A brave and necessary work." --Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Emeritus Chief Rabbi of UK & Commonwealth; professor, New York University; and author of Not in God's Name "No one is omniscient or infallible, so a willingness to evaluate new ideas is vital to understanding our world. Yet universities, which ought to be forums for open debate, are developing a reputation for dogmatism and intolerance. Haidt and Lukianoff, distinguished advocates of freedom of expression, offer a deep analysis of what's going wrong on campus, and how we can hold universities to their highest ideals." --Steven Pinker, professor, Harvard University, and author of Enlightenment Now "This book synthesizes the teachings of many disciplines to illuminate the causes of major problems besetting college students and campuses, including declines in mental health, academic freedom, and collegiality. More importantly, the authors present evidence-based strategies for overcoming these challenges. An engrossing, thought-provoking, and ultimately inspiring read." --Nadine Strossen, past President, ACLU, and author of HATE: Why We Should Resist it with Free Speech, Not Censorship "How can we as a nation do a better job of preparing young men and women of all backgrounds to be seekers of truth and sustainers of democracy? In The Coddling of the American Mind, Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt provide a rigorous analysis of this perennial challenge as it presents itself today, and offer thoughtful prescriptions for meeting it. What's more, the book models the virtues and practical wisdom its authors rightly propose as the keys to progress. Lukianoff and Haidt teach young people--and all of us--by example as well as precept." --Cornel West, professor, Harvard Unive
Arguing for an understanding of belonging in higher education as relational, particularly in reference to 'non-traditional' students, this book counters prevailing normative assumptions as to what it means to belong and how institutional policy is shaped and implemented around traditional students. | Author: Kate Carruthers Thomas | Publisher: Routledge | Publication Date: Aug 29, 2022 | Number of Pages: 98 pages | Language: English | Binding: Paperback | ISBN-10: 1032401753 | ISBN-13: 9781032401751